Still image SCSI I/O control codes

The following table lists and describes all of the I/O Control Codes recognized by the kernel-mode still image driver for SCSI buses.

I/O control code Description
IOCTL_SCSISCAN_CMD Creates a customized SCSI control descriptor block and sends it to the kernel-mode still image driver for SCSI buses.
IOCTL_SCSISCAN_GET_INFO Returns device information.
IOCTL_SCSISCAN_LOCKDEVICE Reserved for use by Microsoft.
IOCTL_SCSISCAN_SET_TIMEOUT Modifies the time-out value used by the kernel-mode still image driver for SCSI buses when it accesses a device.
IOCTL_SCSISCAN_UNLOCKDEVICE Reserved for use by Microsoft.

These codes are defined in scsiscan.h.