Still image USB I/O structures

The following table lists and describes all of the structures associated with the I/O Control Codes recognized by the kernel-mode still image driver for SCSI buses.

Structure Description
CHANNEL_INFO Used as a parameter to DeviceIoControl, when the specified I/O control code is IOCTL_GET_CHANNEL_ALIGN_RQST.
DEVICE_DESCRIPTOR Used as a parameter to DeviceIoControl, when the specified I/O control code is IOCTL_GET_DEVICE_DESCRIPTOR .
DRV_VERSION Used as a parameter to DeviceIoControl, when the specified I/O control code is IOCTL_GET_VERSION.
IO_BLOCK Used as a parameter to DeviceIoControl, when the specified I/O control code is IOCTL_READ_REGISTERS or IOCTL_WRITE_REGISTERS.
IO_BLOCK_EX Used as a parameter to DeviceIoControl, when the specified I/O control code is IOCTL_SEND_USB_REQUEST.
USBSCAN_GET_DESCRIPTOR Used as a parameter to DeviceIoControl, when the specified I/O control code is IOCTL_GET_USB_DESCRIPTOR.
USBSCAN_PIPE_CONFIGURATION Used as a parameter to DeviceIoControl, when the specified I/O control code is IOCTL_GET_PIPE_CONFIGURATION.
USBSCAN_PIPE_INFORMATION Used to describe a USB transfer pipe for a still image device.
USBSCAN_TIMEOUT Stores time-out values for USB bulk IN and bulk OUT operations, and interrupts.

These structures are defined in usbscan.h. For more information about these structures see:

USB still image structures