Calling SetupWriteTextLogInfLine

An application can call SetupWriteTextLogInfLine to write a log entry in a SetupAPI text log that contains the text of a specified INF file line.

To call SetupWriteTextLogInfLine, an application supplies the following information:

  • The log token for a section in a text log that was obtained by calling SetupGetThreadLogToken or one of the system-defined log tokens. If the log token is associated with a text log section, SetupWriteTextLogInfLine writes the log entry in that section. Otherwise, SetupWriteTextLogInfLine adds the log entry to a part of the log that is not included in a text log section.

    In addition, whether SetupWriteTextLogInfLine writes a log entry, and to which text log SetupWriteTextLogInfLine writes the entry, depends on the system-defined log token value.

    For more information about log tokens, see Setting and Getting a Log Token for a Thread.

  • A flag value that is a bitwise OR of system-defined constants that specify the event level, the indentation depth, and whether to include a time stamp. Event levels are described in Setting the Event Level for a Text Log.

    If the event level set for the text log is greater than or equal to the event level for the entry, SetupWriteTextLogInfLine writes a log entry in the text log. Otherwise, SetupWriteTextLogInfLine does not write a log entry in the text log. By using indentation, formatted messages can be arranged to make the information in a section easier to read and understand.

    For more information, see Writing Indented Log Entries.

  • A handle to the INF file that contains the INF file line.

  • The context for the INF file line.

SetupWriteTextLogInfLine writes a log entry in the following format:

entry_prefix time_stamp inf:indentation inf-line-text (inf-file-name line line-number)


  • The entry_prefix, time-stamp, and indentation fields are the same as those that are described in Format of a Text Log Section Body.

  • The inf: field specifies the TXTLOG_INF event category. Event categories are described in Enabling Event Categories for a Text Log.

  • The inf-line-text field contains the text of the specified INF file line.

  • The inf-file-name field contains the name of the INF file that contains the specified INF file line.

  • The line field indicates that what follows is a line number in the INF file.

  • The line-number field contains the line number of the specified line in the INF file.

The following example shows how an application might typically log the text of an INF line in a text log. The INF line in this example is an INF AddReg line. The application calls SetupWriteTextLogInfLine, supplying the following input parameter values:

  • LogToken is set to a log token that was returned by SetupGetThreadLogToken or to a system-defined log token.

  • LogFlags is set to TXTLOG_DETAILS. This example does not include a time stamp or change the indentation depth. In the example, the indentation depth is five monospace text spaces.

  • InfHandle is set to a handle to the INF file hidserv.inf. This handle is obtained by calling the SetupOpenInfFile function, which is documented in the Platform SDK.

  • Context is set to the INF file context of the INF file line that contains the text "AddReg=HidServ_AddService_AddReg." An INF file context for the line is obtained by calling the SetupFindXxxLine functions, which are documented in the Platform SDK.

The values of LogToken and LogFlags affect the operation of SetupWriteTextLogInfLine in the same manner as that described for SetupWriteTextLog. In addition, SetupWriteTextLogInfLine uses the event catalog TXTLOG_INF.

For this example, the following shows the type of log entry that SetupWriteTextLogInfLine would write to a text log:

   inf:      AddReg=HidServ_AddService_AddReg  (hidserv.inf line 98)