
The DEVPKEY_Device_SafeRemovalRequiredOverride device property represents the safe removal override for the device instance.

Attribute Value
Property key DEVPKEY_Device_SafeRemovalRequiredOverride
Property-data-type identifier DEVPROP_TYPE_BOOLEAN
Property access Read and write access by installation applications and installers
Localized? No


This device property can be used to override the result of the heuristic that Windows Plug and Play (PnP) uses to calculate the value of the DEVPKEY_Device_SafeRemovalRequired device property. This override is performed as follows:

  • If the DEVPKEY_Device_SafeRemovalRequiredOverride device property is set to DEVPROP_TRUE and the device instance is removable or has a removable ancestor, PnP sets the DEVPKEY_Device_SafeRemovalRequired device property to DEVPROP_TRUE and does not use the heuristic.


    A device instance is considered removable if its removable device capability is set. For more information, see Overview of the Removable Device Capability.

  • If the DEVPKEY_Device_SafeRemovalRequiredOverride device property is set to DEVPROP_TRUE and the device instance (or an ancestor) is not removable, PnP sets the DEVPKEY_Device_SafeRemovalRequired to DEVPROP_FALSE and does not use the heuristic.

  • If the DEVPKEY_Device_SafeRemovalRequiredOverride device property is either not set or set to DEVPROP_FALSE, PnP sets the DEVPKEY_Device_SafeRemovalRequired device property to a value that is determined by using the heuristic.

You can retrieve the value of DEVPKEY_Device_SafeRemovalRequiredOverride by calling CM_Get_DevNode_Property or SetupDiGetDeviceProperty. You can also set this value by calling CM_Set_DevNode_Property or SetupDiSetDeviceProperty.


Version: Windows 7 and later versions of Windows

Header: Devpkey.h (include Devpkey.h)

See also

