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INF DDInstall.HW section

DDInstall.HW sections are typically used for installing multifunction devices, for installing PnP filter drivers, and for setting up any user-accessible device-specific but driver-independent information in the registry, whether with explicit AddReg directives or with Include and Needs entries.

[install-section-name.HW] |
[install-section-name.nt.HW] |
[install-section-name.ntx86.HW] |
[install-section-name.ntia64.HW] | (Windows XP and later versions of Windows)
[install-section-name.ntamd64.HW] | (Windows XP and later versions of Windows)
[install-section-name.ntarm.HW] | (Windows 8 and later versions of Windows)
[install-section-name.ntarm64.HW] (Windows 10 version 1709 and later versions of Windows)
[AddReg=add-registry-section[,add-registry-section]...] ...
[DelReg=del-registry-section[,del-registry-section]...] ...
[BitReg=bit-registry-section[,bit-registry-section] ...] 


Not all valid entries are supported in a Universal INF. The following lists which directives are valid in a universal INF and which are not.

Supported in a Universal INF

References one or more INF-writer-defined add-registry-sections elsewhere in the INF file for the devices covered by this DDInstall.HW section. The add-registry-section typically installs filters and/or stores per-device information in the registry. An HKR specification in such an add-registry-section specifies the device's hardware key, a device-specific registry subkey that contains information about the device. A hardware key is also called a device key. For more info, see Registry Trees and Keys for Devices and Drivers. A driver package can add settings via an INF by using an HKR specification in an add-registry-section referenced by a DDInstall.HW section.

For more information, see INF AddReg Directive.

Specifies one or more additional system-supplied INF files that contain sections needed to install this device. If this entry is specified, usually so is a Needs entry.

Specifies the named sections that must be processed during the installation of this device. Typically, such a named section is a DDInstall.HW section within a system-supplied INF file that is listed in an Include entry. However, it can be any section that is referenced within such a DDInstall.HW section of the included INF.

Not supported in a Universal INF

References one or more INF-writer-defined delete-registry-sections elsewhere in the INF file for the drivers of the devices covered by this DDInstall section. Such a delete-registry section removes stale registry information for a previously installed device/driver from the target computer. An HKR specification in such a delete-registry section designates the same subkey as for AddReg.

This directive is rarely used, except in an INF file that upgrades a previous installation of the same devices/models listed in the per-manufacturer per-Models section that defined the name of this DDInstall section. For more information, see INF DelReg Directive.

BitReg=bit-registry-section[,bit-registry-section] ...
Is valid in this section, but almost never used. An HKR specification in a referenced bit-registry section designates the same subkey as for AddReg. For more information, see INF BitReg Directive.


The case-insensitive extensions to the install-section-name shown in the formal syntax statement can be inserted into such a DDInstall.HW section name in cross-platform INF files. For more information about how to use the system-defined .nt, .ntx86, .ntia64, .ntamd64, .ntarm, and .ntarm64 extensions, see Creating INF Files for Multiple Platforms and Operating Systems.

Any DDInstall.HW section must have one of the following:

  • An AddReg directive.
  • An Include entry that specifies another INF file. In this case, the DDInstall.HW section must also contain a corresponding Needs entry that specifies a section in the other INF file. This section is used to set up the necessary registry information.

Each directive in a DDInstall.HW section can reference more than one INF-writer-defined section. However, each additional named section must be separated from the next with a comma (,).

Each such section name must be unique within the INF file and must follow the general rules for defining section names. For more information about these rules, see General Syntax Rules for INF Files.

For more information about how to install multifunction devices, see Supporting Multifunction Devices.


This example shows how a driver package can use the DDInstall.HW sections and DDInstall.Services sections to add both a function driver and a PnP upper filter driver.



HKR,,"UpperFilters",0x00010000,"ExampleUpperFilter" ; [REG_MULTI_SZ](https://learn.microsoft.com/windows/desktop/SysInfo/registry-value-types) value 


DisplayName    = %function_ServiceDesc%
ServiceType    = 1
StartType      = 3
ErrorControl   = 1
ServiceBinary  = %13%\ExampleFunctionDriver.sys

DisplayName    = %filter_ServiceDesc%
ServiceType    = 1
StartType      = 3
ErrorControl   = 1
ServiceBinary  = %13%\ExampleUpperFilter.sys

See also




