Microsoft mobile operator configuration portal guide

This article introduces the Microsoft mobile operator configuration portal to create COSA database submissions.

The mobile operator configuration portal has replaced the previous APN spreadsheet for making changed to the COSA database. The mobile operator configuration portal is a web-based tool that allows mobile operators to submit APN updates to the COSA database. The mobile operator configuration portal is available to all mobile operators that have a Microsoft representative.

Create your account

If you don't yet have a mobile operator configuration portal account, follow these steps to create one.

  1. Navigate to the Microsoft mobile operator configuration portal (MO portal).
  2. Select Sign up now below the Sign in button.
  3. Enter your email address and select Send verification code.
  4. After you receive the verification code in your email, enter it and select Verify.
  5. Enter a temporary password and select Create to send your request to the mobile operator configuration portal team.
  6. Send an email to your Microsoft representative to get your account approved for portal access.
  7. After getting confirmation from your Microsoft representative, navigate back to the mobile operator configuration portal and select Sign Up again.
  8. Verify your email, then enter a new non-temporary password and select Create. This is your login password going forward.

Introduction to COSA

COSA is made up of the following:

  • One or more targets
  • One SIM setting
  • One or more connections or APN settings

Each COSA entry is also called a COSA profile.

For a given COSA profile, you can specify multiple targets (different MCC, MNC pair; different IMSI or ICCID range), and a list of APNs to try to connect to (5G APNs, Internet APN, IMS APN, an so on).

For logo and branding, you can only specify one per COSA entry. If you need to create different logo and branding, provide a different target for each COSA profile.

Add a new target

This section demonstrates how to add a new MCC, MNC pair to your COSA profile.

  1. Open the correct profile you want to modify. If you have more than one profile, ensure you are modifying the right profile.

    • Check your profile APN values (optional)

      1. Open Connections > Cellular > Connection
      2. Make sure it's the right APN. You can have multiple connections if you have more than one APN value for this COSA profile.
    • Check that your MCC, MNC pair does not exist in the current target list (optional)

      1. Open Targets
      2. Check each target to ensure there's no duplicate of what you want to create. If you see more than one target, check each of them one by one.
  2. Select + to add a new target to your profile, and go to the new target added to your list. This is usually the last one in the Targets list. If you do not see any new targets, make sure you have clicked on the drop down beside the Targets.

  3. Select Save draft, add a note, then select Save.

Modify an existing target

This section demonstrates how to change an MCC, MNC value pair, add or change SPN, PNN, GID1, ICCID, or IMSI range.

  1. Open the correct profile you want to modify. If you have more than one profile, make sure you are modifying the correct profile.

    • Check your profile APN values. (optional)
    • Check that your MCC, MNC pair does not exist in the current target list. (optional)
  2. Look for the target you want to modify, then either:

    • Modify the MCC, MNC.
    • Add SPN, PNN, GID1, ICCID range, IMSI range.
    • Modify SPN, PNN, GID1, ICCID range, IMSI range.
  3. Select Save draft, add a note, then select Save.

Modify SIM branding

  1. Open the correct profile you want to modify. If you have more than one profile, make sure you are modifying the correct profile.

    • Check your profiles' APN values. (optional)
    • Check that your MCC, MNC pair does not exist in the current target list. (optional)
  2. Navigate to Cellular > PerSimSettings > SettingsForSim, then either:

    • Add or remove a mobile operator logo.
    • Define the AccountExperienceURL or add an AppID to automatically install applications.
    • Change the BrandingName associated with your SIM card and when this will be used.
    • Specify when BrandingName will also be used.

    Here is the list of possible settings:

    • AccountExperienceURL - The Web URL for the mobile operator's MBB user account experience. If both AppID and AccountExperienceURL are specified, AppID gets higher precedent and the AccountExperienceURL will not display.

    • AppID - The package family name (PFN) and application ID of a mobile operator's companion app.

    • BrandingName - The name for the mobile operator to be displayed on the UX. If no information is provided, the HomeProviderName is displayed.

    • UseBrandingNameOnRoaming - When the BrandingName will be used.

      • Use only when connected to the home network.
      • Use when connected to the home network and domestic roaming.
      • Use when connected to the home network, domestic roaming, and international roaming.
    • BrandingIcon - A custom logo that appears in the Windows Connection Manager next to your network entry. See Desktop COSA database settings for more information on BrandingIcon.


    • Icons must have a transparent background and smooth edges.

    • Test the icon with both light and dark themes.

    • Icons must meet the following format and size requirements:

      • 256 x 256: 32-bit + Alpha
      • 48 x 48: 32-bit + Alpha
      • 48 x 48: 8-bit 256 color
      • 48 x 48: 4-bit 16 color
      • 32 x 32: 32-bit + Alpha
      • 32 x 32: 8-bit 256 color
      • 32 x 32: 4-bit 16 color
      • 24 x 24: 32-bit + Alpha
      • 24 x 24: 8-bit 256 color
      • 24 x 24: 4-bit 16 color
      • 16 x 16: 32-bit + Alpha
      • 16 x 16: 8-bit 256 color
      • 16 x 16: 4-bit 16 color
  3. Select Save draft, add a note, then select Save.

Add a new APN

  1. Open the correct profile you want to modify. If you have more than one profile, make sure you are modifying the correct profile.

    • Check your profiles' APN values. (optional)
    • Check that your MCC, MNC pair does not exist in the current target list. (optional)
  2. Select + beside Cellular and look for the new Connection added to your list. This is usually the last one in the Targets list.

    • Add the APN values. If you do not see a new Connection, make sure you have clicked on the drop down next to Cellular.

    Common APN settings:

    • AccessPointName – In GSM networks, Access Point Name (APN) such as ""

    • AlwaysOn – Automatically connect and stay connected until the user manually disconnects.

    • AutoConnectOrder – The order of which APN to test first. If nothing is specified, Windows picks the order randomly.

    • FriendlyName – An easy to understand description of this APN entry for example "Prepaid APN" or "Postpaid APN". Windows shows the FriendlyName instead of the APN name to simplify the end user experience.

    • IPType – Which IP type is supported - IPv4, IPv6, IPv4v6.

    • PurposeGroup – How this APN will be used.

      Setting Description
      Internet Used for general Internet traffic. (default)
      IMS Used for IMS traffic. (LTE attach)
      eSIM provisioning Used for eSIM traffic.

      You can put more than one purpose in a comma delimited list.

    • Roaming – The roaming conditions under which the connection should be activated.

      Setting Description
      Disallowed Home network only
      Allowed (default) All roaming conditions (home and roaming)
      DomesticRoaming Home and domestic roaming only
      UseOnlyForDomesticRoaming Domestic roaming only
      UseOnlyForNonDomesticRoaming Non-domestic roaming only
      UseOnlyForRoaming Roaming only

    Optionally, if you require a username and password:

    • AuthType - The Auth Protocol element specifies the authentication protocol to be used for activating a Packet Data Protocol (PDP) context.

      Setting Description
      None No authentication protocol is required. (default)
      PAP PAP authentication protocol is required.
      CHAP Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol(CHAP) protocol is required.
    • Username – The case sensitive user name to connect to your APN.

    • Password – APN connection password. Can be set to blank.

    The rest of the settings can be left blank or at their default value.

  3. Select Save draft, add a note, then select Save.

Update APN, other connection settings

  1. Open the correct profile you want to modify. If you have more than one profile, make sure you are modifying the correct profile.

    • Check your profiles' APN values. (optional)
    • Check that your MCC, MNC pair does not exist in the current target list. (optional)
  2. Look for the Connection you want to modify, then modify any of the values there.

  3. Select Save draft, add a note, then select Save.

Create a test package

Test packages are generated from the server. You must save all changes before you download a test package. If the settings are not saved as a draft, your test package will not have your latest settings.

  1. Choose the Windows version.

    • Run winver on the PC you want to test to check your Windows version.
  2. Choose the test package to download.

  3. Follow the steps in Test your submission for desktop COSA to test your COSA package file.


    Open an administrator command prompt. If you are running in S-mode, you will need to switch out of S-mode first.