NetAdapterCx version overview

This section highlights new features for the Network Adapter WDF Class Extension (NetAdapterCx) driver model. Use the following topics to learn more about the changes in each version of NetAdapterCx.

The current version of NetAdapterCx is 2.2.

Windows OS support for NetAdapterCx versions are described in the following table.

Operating system KMDF version Supported NetAdapterCx version Version notes
Windows 10, version 2004 1.31 2.0 Initial release. Supports MBBCx (Mobile Broadband) only.
Windows 11 1.33 2.2 Supports NetAdapterCx (Ethernet), MBBCx (Mobile Broadband), and WiFiCx (Wi-Fi).


NetAdapterCx client drivers written in previous versions will not work in the latest version of Windows until they are retargeted to the current version.