Handling Access Control

WPD drivers must verify that the WPD command payload was sent with the correct I/O Control Code (IOCTL) to ensure that the I/O manager performed the appropriate ACL check. Because every driver must perform this verification, WPD supplies macros to automate the process.

These macros are defined in the file PortableDevice.h. They are described in the following table.

Macro Description
BEGIN_WPD_COMMAND_ACCESS_MAP Defines the beginning of the command-access table.
DECLARE_VERIFY_WPD_COMMAND_ACCESS Declares an instance of the function that is used to verify that a given WPD command is sent with the appropriate access flags in the IOCTL.
DECLARE_WPD_STANDARD_COMMAND_ACCESS_ENTRIES Declares entries for all the standard WPD commands that are contained in PortableDevice.h.
END_WPD_COMMAND_ACCESS_MAP Defines the end of the command-access table.
IS_WPD_IOCTL Determines whether a given IOCTL is specific to WPD.
VERIFY_WPD_COMMAND_ACCESS Compares a given IOCTL and its parameters against the command-access table that is defined in one of the driver modules.
WPD_COMMAND_ACCESS_ENTRY Adds a custom entry to the command-access table.

In the sample driver, the access control verification is performed in the CQueue::OnDeviceIoControl and CQueue::ProcessWpdMessage methods. These methods are found in the Queue.cpp file. In addition, this file contains a command-access table that lists the WPD as well as any custom IOCTLs and their access levels.

// Add table used to lookup the Access required for Wpd Commands
    // Add any custom commands here e.g.

// This allows driver developers to use VERIFY_WPD_COMMAND_ACCESS to check command access function for us.

The OnDeviceIoControl method uses the IS_WPD_IOCTL macro to identify WPD IOCTLs and then processes them by calling the ProcessWpdMessage method.

        /* [in] */ IWDFIoQueue*     pQueue,
        /* [in] */ IWDFIoRequest*   pRequest,
        /* [in] */ ULONG            ControlCode,
        /* [in] */ SIZE_T           InputBufferSizeInBytes,
        /* [in] */ SIZE_T           OutputBufferSizeInBytes
    HRESULT hr              = S_OK;
    DWORD   dwBytesWritten  = 0;

        BYTE*       pInputBuffer         = NULL;
        SIZE_T      cbInputBuffer        = 0;
        BYTE*       pOutputBuffer        = NULL;
        SIZE_T      cbOutputBuffer       = 0;
        ContextMap* pClientContextMap    = NULL;
        CComPtr<IWDFMemory> pMemoryIn;
        CComPtr<IWDFMemory> pMemoryOut;
        CComPtr<IWDFDevice> pDevice;
        CComPtr<IWDFFile>   pFileObject;

        // Get input memory buffer, the memory object is always returned even if the
        // underlying buffer is NULL
        pInputBuffer = (BYTE*) pMemoryIn->GetDataBuffer(&cbInputBuffer);

        // Get output memory buffer, the memory object is always returned even if the
        // underlying buffer is NULL
        pOutputBuffer = (BYTE*) pMemoryOut->GetDataBuffer(&cbOutputBuffer);

        // Get the Context map for this client
        if (pFileObject != NULL)
            hr = pFileObject->RetrieveContext((void**)&pClientContextMap);
            CHECK_HR(hr, "Failed to get Contextmap from WDF File Object");

        if (hr == S_OK)
            // Get the device object
            pQueue->GetDevice(&pDevice );
            hr = ProcessWpdMessage(ControlCode,

        hr = E_UNEXPECTED;
        CHECK_HR(hr, "Received invalid/unsupported IOCTL code '0x%lx'",ControlCode);

    // Complete the request
    if (hr == S_OK)
        pRequest->CompleteWithInformation(hr, dwBytesWritten);


The ProcessWpdMessage method uses the VERIFY_WPD_COMMAND_ACCESS macro to check the IOCTL and command parameters against the command-access table that is defined in the beginning of Queue.cpp.

HRESULT CQueue::ProcessWpdMessage(
    ULONG       ControlCode,
    ContextMap* pClientContextMap,
    IWDFDevice* pDevice,
    PVOID       pInBuffer,
    ULONG       ulInputBufferLength,
    PVOID       pOutBuffer,
    ULONG       ulOutputBufferLength,
    DWORD*      pdwBytesWritten)
    HRESULT                        hr = S_OK;
    CComPtr<IPortableDeviceValues> pParams;

    CComPtr<IPortableDeviceValues> pResults;

    CComPtr<WpdBaseDriver>         pWpdBaseDriver;

    if (hr == S_OK)
        hr = m_pWpdSerializer->GetIPortableDeviceValuesFromBuffer((BYTE*)pInBuffer,
        CHECK_HR(hr, "Failed to deserialize command parameters from input buffer");

    // Verify that the command was sent with the appropriate access
    if (hr == S_OK)
        hr = VERIFY_WPD_COMMAND_ACCESS(ControlCode, pParams, g_WpdCommandAccessMap);
        CHECK_HR(hr, "Wpd Command was sent with incorrect access flags");


The WPD Driver Samples