Option attributes for the Resolution feature

> [!IMPORTANT] > We recommend that you use Microsoft's IPP inbox class driver, along with Print Support Apps (PSA), to customize the print experience in Windows 10 and 11 for printer device development. > > For more information, see the Print support app design guide.**

The following table lists the attributes associated with the Resolution feature. For more information about the Resolution feature, see Standard Features.

Attribute name Attribute parameter Comments
*DPI PAIR of numeric values representing the x and y values for the printer's resolution, in dots per inch. Required. The x and y values must equal *TextDPI x and y values, or they must be equal to *TextDPI x and y values divided by a power of two. For example, if *TextDPI is PAIR(300, 300), then *DPI values might be PAIR(300, 300), PAIR(150, 150), or PAIR(75, 75), but not PAIR(100, 100).
*MinStripBlankPixels Numeric value representing the minimum number of blank bytes that Unidrv should encounter within a scan line before stripping enclosing blank bytes. Optional. If not specified, the default value is zero. This attribute is relevant only if a *StripBlanks entry specifies ENCLOSED. For more information, see Raster Data Emission Attributes.
*PinsPerLogPass Numeric value presenting the number of scan lines printed by one logical pass of the print head. Must be a multiple of *PinsPerPhysPass, since each logical pass consists of one or more physical passes. Optional. If not specified, the default value is 1. Required if a printer performs interlacing, requiring multiple passes of the print head across a set of scan lines, to print all the scan lines.
*PinsPerPhysPass Numeric value representing the number of scan lines printed as the print head moves across the page. Must be one, or a multiple of eight. Optional. If not specified, the default value is 1.

The horizontal and vertical resolutions should be multiples of *PinsPerPhysPass, or the output might be unpredictable.
*RequireUniDir? TRUE or FALSE, indicating whether the specified resolution requires unidirectional printing to be enabled. Optional. If not specified, the default value is FALSE.
*SpotDiameter Numeric value representing the spot diameter size, as a percentage of the pixel size, for the resolution specified by *DPI. Required.


100 means the spot diameter equals the pixel size.

200 means the spot diameter is twice the pixel size.

50 means the spot diameter is half the pixel size.
*TextDPI PAIR or numeric values representing the x and y values for the printer's text resolution, in dots per inch. Required. See *DPI comments. This resolution is used for drawing fonts and vector graphics.

For information about additional option attributes, see Option Attributes for All Features.

Also, see Controlling Image Quality.