Get method of the MSFT_FileStorageTier class

Gets tier information for pinned files.


UInt32 Get(
  [in]  String FilePath,
  [in]  Char16 VolumeDriveLetter,
  [in]  String VolumePath,
  [in]  String Volume,
  [out] String FileStorageTier[]


FilePath [in]

The path of the file.

VolumeDriveLetter [in]

The drive letter that identifies the drive where the file resides.

VolumePath [in]

The volume path.

Volume [in]

The volume, an MSFT_Volume object.

FileStorageTier [out]

The tier information, an array of MSFT_FileStorageTier objects.


Only one of the input parameters is required to specify the file storage tier.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows 8.1 [desktop apps only]
Minimum supported server Windows Server 2012 R2 [desktop apps only]
Namespace Root\Microsoft\Windows\Storage
MOF Storagewmi.mof

See also
