Resize method of the MSFT_StorageTier class

Resizes the storage tier on the virtual disk. This method is not available for pool-level storage tiers.


UInt32 Resize(
  [in]  UInt64              Size,
  [in]  Boolean             RunAsJob,
  [out] MSFT_StorageJob REF CreatedStorageJob,
  [out] String              ExtendedStatus


Size [in]

The size of the tier on the virtual disk. This property is available only when the storage tier is part of a virtual disk. The property is unspecified for pool-level storage tiers.

RunAsJob [in]

If TRUE, this method uses the CreatedStorageJob parameter when the request is taking a long time to service. If a storage job has been created to track the operation, this method will return Method Parameters Checked - Job Started.


Even if RunAsJob is TRUE, this method can still return a result if it has finished in sufficient time.

If FALSE or NULL, this method will follow default WMI asynchronous behavior as determined by the client's method for invocation. In other words, it is synchronous unless requested otherwise.

CreatedStorageJob [out]

If RunAsJob is set to TRUE and this method takes a long time to execute, this parameter receives a reference to the storage job object that is used to track the long-running operation.

ExtendedStatus [out]

Extended error information from the storage provider in a MSFT_StorageExtendedStatus object. The information is implementation-specific.

Return value

Success (0)

Not Supported (1)

Unspecified Error (2)

Timeout (3)

Failed (4)

Invalid Parameter (5)

Not enough available capacity (40000)

Access denied (40001)

There are not enough resources to complete the operation. (40002)

Cannot connect to the storage provider. (46000)

The storage provider cannot connect to the storage subsystem. (46001)

The storage pool could not complete the operation because its configuration is read-only. (48007)


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows 8.1 [desktop apps only]
Minimum supported server Windows Server 2012 R2 [desktop apps only]
Namespace Root\Microsoft\Windows\Storage
MOF Storagewmi.mof

See also
