Settings for Factory OS

Use a settings configuration file to configure the settings described below. This topic covers available customizations for Factory OS.


Name Description Type Default value Max value Min Value
AutobrightnessLuxToNitsCurve Specifies the lux to nits curve to use for adaptive brightness to determine what the display brightness should be at a given ambient light level. The string specifies the points on the curve, delimited by ,. For example 10:40,100:100,300:200 represents a curve defined by (10 lux, 40 nits), (100 lux, 100 nits), (300 lux, 200 nits). REG_SZ
DefaultAdaptiveColorAdaptationStrength Specifies the default adaptive color adaptation strength. REG_DWORD 50 100 0
DefaultBatterySaverBrightnessMultiplier Specifies the default brightness percentage multiplier to be applied when battery saver mode engages. REG_DWORD 70 100 0
DefaultBrightnessSliderPercentage Specifies the default brightness slider position. This effectively determines the default brightness of the device. REG_DWORD 50 100 0
DefaultDimBrightnessMultiplier Specifies the default brightness percentage multiplier to be applied when the display dims. REG_DWORD 50 100 0
IsAdaptiveColorOnByDefault Specifies whether adaptive color is on by default. REG_DWORD 0 1 0
IsAutobrightnessOnByDefault Specifies whether adaptive brightness is on by default. More information about adaptive brightness can be found here: windows-hardware/design/whitepapers/integrating-ambient-light-sensors-with-computers-running-windows-10-creators-update. REG_DWORD 0 1 0
ShouldStopTransitionDuringHandsOnDisplay Specifies whether to stop the current brightness and/or color transition while a pen is on the display or being touched. REG_DWORD 0 1 0


See Factory Orchestrator service configuration using appsettings.json to learn how to configure Factory Orchestrator settings without using the Settings framework.

Name Description Type Default value Max value Min Value
AllowedLocalLoopbackApps Semi-colon separated list of app package family names you wish to allow local loopback on. Local Loopback is required for an app to communicate with the Factory Orchestrator service using the Factory OrchestratorUWPClient REG_SZ
DisableCommandPromptPage If set, the Factory Orchestrator App's Command Prompt tab is hidden. REG_DWORD 0 1 0
DisableFileTransferPage If set, the Factory Orchestrator App's Transfer Files tab is hidden. REG_DWORD 0 1 0
DisableManageTasklistsPage If set, the Factory Orchestrator App's Manage Tasklists tab is hidden. REG_DWORD 0 1 0
DisableNetworkAccess If set, Factory Orchestrator can not communicate with other systems on your local network, it can only be used directly on the Factory OS device. REG_DWORD 0 1 0
DisableUWPAppsPage If set, the Factory Orchestrator App's UWP Apps tab is hidden. REG_DWORD 0 1 0


Name Description Type Default value Max value Min Value
BackgroundImagePath Path to the background image displayed on Factory OS. Requires SHELL_BOOT feature. Path should be on the User volume, ex: %DataDrive%\TestContent\backgroundimage.jpg. The image must be added to the Factory OS image via TestContent. REG_SZ
DisableSSHUser Do not create a SSH user for Factory OS. The image will not be accessible via SSH. REG_DWORD 0 1 0
HideMouseCursor Hide the mouse cursor, so it will not interfere with UI tests. Requires SHELL_BOOT feature. REG_DWORD 0 1 0
OEMVersion This string can be set to any value to help assist partners identify the specific Factory OS image. Requires SHELL_BOOT feature. REG_SZ
PersistUWPLaunchOnBoot Automatically re-launches the 'App to launch on boot' (UWPLaunchOnBoot) app, if it is exited or crashes. REG_DWORD 1 1 0
SSHPassword Password used to access the Factory OS Product over SSH. REG_SZ
SSHUsername Username used to access the Factory OS Product over SSH. REG_SZ
UWPLaunchOnBoot UWP Application to launch on boot, the application will be full screen. Requires SHELL_BOOT feature. Required format of the string is PackageFamilyName!EntryPoint. You can use Windows Device Portal's Apps manager on Factory OS to find this value, it is the PackageRelativeId for an installed app. Ex: Microsoft.FactoryOrchestratorApp_8wekyb3d8bbwe!App.

If this settings is not set, the Factory Orchestrator app will launch by default. To set no boot app, set this value to a space " ".
WinDhotkeyURI The URI to launch when Windows key + D is pressed. The URI can be any valid URI such as a UWP app protocol or a website such as ''. By default, Windows key + D launches Windows Device Portal inside the Factory Orchestrator UWP app via the fo:wdp URI REG_SZ
WinSpaceHotkeyURI The URI to launch when Windows key + D is pressed. The URI can be any valid URI such as a UWP app protocol or a website such as ''. By default, Windows key + D launches Windows Device Portal inside the Factory Orchestrator UWP app via the fo:wdp URI REG_SZ
WinFHotkeyURI The URI to launch when Windows key + F is pressed. The URI can be any valid URI such as a UWP app protocol or a website such as ''. REG_SZ
WinIHotkeyURI The URI to launch when Windows key + I is pressed. The URI can be any valid URI such as a UWP app protocol or a website such as ''. REG_SZ
WinHotkeyURI The URI to launch when Windows key is pressed. The URI can be any valid URI such as a UWP app protocol or a website such as ''. REG_SZ


Name Description Type Supported Extensions
SplitLayoutFile OEM/SV-owned split layout file. (File must be named DeviceLayoutOEM.xml) FILE xml