Scripts and syntax

CreateWSKAppsFM syntax

CreateWSKAppsFM {-FMFile: [path]} {-AppsFolder [Path]} {-IncludeWow}
Parameter Description
-FMFile [Path] Path to the FM file you wish to create. By default, updates %WSKWorkspaceRoot%\FMFiles\OEMAppsFM.xml.
-AppsFolder [Path] Path to the folder you wish to search for Apps in. By default, searches %WSKWorkspaceRoot%\Apps.
-IncludeWow Adds support for x86 on amd64 images, and support for arm on arm64 images.

CreateWSKCustomizationsFM Syntax

CreateWSKCustomizationsFM [-OEMPackagesFolder <folder>] [-Version <version>] [-FMFile <FMFile>] [-CustomizationXML <XML>]
Parameter Options
-OEMPackagesFolder Specified the folder path where your customization packages are stored. All the customization packages in this folder will be included in the feature manifest. Default path is %WSKWorkspaceRoot%\OEMCustomization\CustomizationXML.
-Version Allows adding a version number appended to package names. Format is xxxx.y.z.z. Default is 1000.0.0.0.
-FMFile Allows you to specify the path of the Customization feature manifest file that defines your custom settings. This FM gets added to your OEMInput file so that the settings are included in your image. Default is %WSKWorkspaceRoot%\FMFiles\OEMCustomizationsFM.xml.
-CustomizationXML Path to a CustomizationXML file or folder that contains customization files. If you specify a folder path, all of the customization settings xml files will be processed and will output a single settings FM. If this option isn't specified, the default path is %WSKWorkspaceRoot%\OEMCustomization\CustomizationXML.xml.

CreateWSKCustomizationsXML Syntax

CreateWSKCustomizationsXML [-Categorize] [-Advanced]
Parameter Description
-Categorize Splits the CustomizationXML into multiple files, one file per customization. If this option isn't used, one large customization file will be created
-Advanced Generates a power settings customization XML

SeeGenerate a settings customization file for more information.

CreateWSKDriversFM Syntax

CreateWSKDriversFM {-FMFile: [path]} {-InfFolder [Path]}
Parameter Description
-FMFile [Path] Path to the FM file you wish to create. By default, creates or replaces '%WSKWorkspaceRoot%\FMFiles\OEMDriversFM.xml'.
-InfFolder [Path] Path to the folder you wish to search for drivers in. By default, searches %WSKWorkspaceRoot%\DCHUDrivers.

See Generate settings customization packages and add them to your OEMInput file for more information.

ImageSigner syntax

imagesigner Sign <FFUFile> <path to catalog file>
imagesigner GetCatalog <FFUFile> <path to catalog file>
imagesigner Truncate <FFUFile> <path to truncated FFU>


Parameter Description
Sign Signs an FFU file.
GetCatalog Extracts a catalog from an FFU file and writes it to a catalog file. This option can be used to determine if an FFU was prepared properly, by examining the extracted catalog file by using file properties or tools such as SignTool.
Truncate Creates a truncated FFU.


Path Description
FFUFile Path to the FFU image file.
CatalogFile Path to the catalog file.
TruncatedFFU Path to the truncated FFU file.

PrepWSKWorkspace Syntax

PrepWSKWorkspace {-Destination} <Path> {-Product [productname]} {-ProductConfiguration [Development|Manufacturing|ramboot_pre_oobe|ramboot_post_oobe]} {-Architecture [AMD64|x86|Arm|Arm64]} {-VM} {-Overwrite [YES|NO|PROMPT]} {-AdditionalLanguages [lang-lang,lang-lang]} {DefaultLanguage [default-language]}
Parameter Description
-Destination (required) Target directory, for example, C:\Workspace. If the directory doesn't exist, the script creates it. It's OK to select to an existing workspace folder.

Depending on where you store the workspace, you may need to enable long file paths on your PC.

-Product (required) Specifies the Product that the Workspace supports.


  • FactoryOS
-ProductConfiguration Configures the OEMInput file that PrepWSKWorkspace creates. ProductConfiguration values are case-sensitive.


  • Development: Use this for bring-up and testing. This is the default if you don't specify -ProductConfiguration when you create a Factory OS workspace.
  • Manufacturing: Configures an image with a reduced disk footprint and a high performance power management mode. Applies to: FactoryOS
  • >
  • win32_manufacturing/win32_development: Configures a version of Factory OS that can run diagnostic win32 apps in a container. Applies to: Factory OS
-Architecture [AMD64|x86|Arm|Arm64] Architecture for the device you wish to build. The default architecture is AMD64.
-VM Enables you to generate a Virtual Machine iamge? When you add the -VM parameter, the final image will be a .vhdx file (UEFI). An FFU won't be generated when you build a VM image.
-Overwrite:[Yes|No|Prompt] Controls whether you overwrite your existing workspace.
  • Yes: Overwrite any conflicting files in the target folder.
  • No: Don't overwrite any conflicting files in the target folder, but copy in new files.
  • Prompt: If there's any conflicting files, ask before overwriting them. This is the default.
-AdditionalLanguages [lang-lang] Allows you to add language packs and user-installable features to the OEMInput file.
Specify the language using the language-culture format, for example: de-de, fr-ca, etc.
-DefaultLanguage [default-language] Specifies the default language in the image. Images can only have one default language specified.
Specify the language using the language-culture format, for example: de-de, fr-ca, etc. Ensure that the default language is a language that's included in your OEMInput file.

PrepWSKWorkspace examples

This section contains examples of how to create new workspaces for various scenarios

Basic workspaces

  • Create a Factory OS workspace in C:\Workspace

    PrepWSKWorkspace c:\Workspace -product FactoryOS

Workspaces that include optional parameters

  • Create a Factory OS VM in C:\Workspace with the Manufacturing product configuration

    PrepWSKWorkspace C:\Workspace -Product FactoryOS -ProductConfiguration Manufacturing -VM

SetImagGenEnv Syntax

SetImageGenEnv.cmd [CeipOn | CeipOff | CeipDisable]
Parameter Description
CeipOn Opts-in user into the Customer Experience Improvement Program (CEIP). If not provided, user is prompted via a dialog box.
CeipOff Opts-out user into the Customer Experience Improvement Program (CEIP). If not provided, user is prompted via a dialog box.
CeipDisable No changes in CEIP enrollment status. However, this does not dis-enroll you if you had already chosen to participate in another Windows Kit.

UpdateWSKAppsFM syntax

UpdateWSKAppsFM {-FMFile: [path]} {-AppsFolder [Path]} {-IncludeWow}
Parameter Description
-FMFile [Path] Path to the FM file you wish to update. By default, creates or replaces %WSKWorkspaceRoot%\FMFiles\OEMAppsFM.xml.
-AppsFolder [Path] Path to the folder you wish to search for Apps in. By default, searches %WSKWorkspaceRoot%\Apps.
-IncludeWow If set, it will add x86 to amd64, arm to arm64 images.

UpdateWSKDriversFM Syntax

UpdateWSKDriversFM {-FMFile: [path]} {-InfFolder [Path]}
Parameter Description
-FMFile [Path] Path to the FM file you wish to update. By default, creates or replaces %WSKWorkspaceRoot%\FMFiles\OEMDriversFM.xml.
-InfFolder [Path] Path to the folder you wish to search for drivers in. By default, searches %WSKWorkspaceRoot%\DCHUDrivers.