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Modern Standby Duration Test

This test causes the system to enter and exit Connected Standby by pressing a software power button and measuring the battery capacity drained (in mWh or mAh) over a 16 hour period. The battery capacity drained (in mWh or mAh) should be less than or equal to 5% of the battery design capacity. The test will reside in the Connected Standby state for a duration less than 16 hours to reduce test execution time. The resulting battery capacity drained will be scaled proportionally to 16 hours before evaluating against the 5% goal. NOTES: Systems that support Connected Standby are recommended to drain less than 5% of system battery capacity over an 16 hour idle period in the default shipping configuration.If a system that supports Connected Standby does not ship with a battery, this recommendation does not apply. To run the test on a system that has a mobile broadband device, you must turn the mobile broadband radio off (by using the settings on the Wireless menu). The system must be connected to a wireless router. Run the test on a system connected to WiFi only.

Test details

  • System.Fundamentals.PowerManagement.ModernStandby.Battery.ModernStandbyDuration
  • Windows 10, client editions (x86)
  • Windows 10, client editions (x64)
  • Windows 10, client editions (Arm64)
  • Windows 10, mobile edition (Arm)
  • Windows 10, mobile edition (Arm64)
Supported Releases
  • Windows 10
  • Windows 10, version 1511
  • Windows 10, version 1607
  • Windows 10, version 1703
  • Windows 10, version 1709
  • Windows 10, version 1803
  • Windows 10, version 1809
  • Windows 10, version 1903
  • Next update to Windows 10
Expected run time (in minutes) 330
Category Development
Timeout (in minutes) 330
Requires reboot false
Requires special configuration false
Type automatic


Additional documentation

Tests in this feature area might have additional documentation, including prerequisites, setup, and troubleshooting information, that can be found in the following topic(s):

More information


Parameter name Parameter description
CSDuration Connected Standby duration in milliseconds
TestTimeoutValue Timeout value for the execution of te.exe
OptTeCmdlineParams Optional commandline parameters for te.exe



For generic troubleshooting of HLK test failures, see Troubleshooting Windows HLK Test Failures.