Test.StationaryJitterMultiple (c9c3137b-3806-4fc0-add7-9b41093006dd)

This test verifies that there is no jitter (within .5mm) reported by the device when three stationary contacts are placed on the device.

Test details

  • Device.Input.Digitizer.PrecisionTouchpad.Jitter
  • Windows 10, client editions (x86)
  • Windows 10, client editions (x64)
  • Windows 10, client editions (Arm64)
Supported Releases
  • Windows 10
  • Windows 10, version 1511
  • Windows 10, version 1607
  • Windows 10, version 1703
  • Windows 10, version 1709
  • Windows 10, version 1803
  • Windows 10, version 1809
  • Windows 10, version 1903
  • Next update to Windows 10
Expected run time (in minutes) 2
Category Compatibility
Timeout (in minutes) 120
Requires reboot false
Requires special configuration false
Type automatic


Additional documentation

Tests in this feature area might have additional documentation, including prerequisites, setup, and troubleshooting information, that can be found in the following topic(s):

Running the test

Before you run the test, complete the test setup as described in the test requirements: Mouse or other Pointing Device Testing Prerequisites.

Three precision contacts are necessary for this test. For the test to pass, the contact must be able to rest on the device with no jitter. We strongly recommend that a robot or precision rig be used to execute this test.

  1. Carefully lower three contacts 11mm apart straight down anywhere on the touchpad.

  2. Wait ten seconds (use the timer in the upper-right corner of the Logo tool).

  3. Carefully raise the contacts.

    If no jitter is detected, the tool will pass the iteration and move on to the next iteration. Otherwise it will fail the test and give an error.

  4. Repeat for five iterations.


For generic troubleshooting of HLK test failures, see Troubleshooting Windows HLK Test Failures.

For troubleshooting information, see Troubleshooting Device.Input Testing.

Error Description/Workaround

[12] interaction too short: #####

The contacts were down for less than the required ten seconds. The number given is the duration of the contacts, measured in tenths of milliseconds.

Make sure you leave the contacts down for at least ten seconds.

[11] contact displacement too large: ###

Contacts moved or jitter farther than the allowed tolerance. The number given is the himetric distance moved, measured in hundredths of millimeters.

Make sure the contacts are completely stationary on the device.


More information

Command syntax

Command Description

ptlogo.exe Test.StationaryJitterMultiple.json

Runs the test.


File list

File Location





Test. Test.StationaryJitterMultiple.json
