
Provides diagnostic information for DFS Namespaces.


dfsdiag /testdcs [/domain:<domain name>]
dfsdiag /testsites </machine:<server name>| /DFSPath:<namespace root or DFS folder> [/recurse]> [/full]
dfsdiag /testdfsconfig /DFSRoot:<namespace>
dfsdiag /testdfsintegrity /DFSRoot:<DFS root path> [/recurse] [/full]
dfsdiag /testreferral /DFSpath:<DFS path to get referrals> [/full]


Parameter Description
dfsdiag testdcs Checks domain controller configuration.
dfsdiag testsites Checks site associations.
dfsdiag testdfsconfig Checks DFS Namespace configuration.
dfsdiag testdfsintegrity Checks DFS Namespace integrity.
dfsdiag testreferral Checks referral responses.
/? Displays help at the command prompt.