Scripting with PowerShell and Storage Spaces Direct performance history
Applies to: Windows Server 2022, Windows Server 2019
In Windows Server 2019, Storage Spaces Direct records and stores extensive performance history for virtual machines, servers, drives, volumes, network adapters, and more. Performance history is easy to query and process in PowerShell so you can quickly go from raw data to actual answers to questions like:
- Were there any CPU spikes last week?
- Is any physical disk exhibiting abnormal latency?
- Which VMs are consuming the most storage IOPS right now?
- Is my network bandwidth saturated?
- When will this volume run out of free space?
- In the past month, which VMs used the most memory?
The Get-ClusterPerf
cmdlet is built for scripting. It accepts input from cmdlets like Get-VM
or Get-PhysicalDisk
by the pipeline to handle association, and you can pipe its output into utility cmdlets like Sort-Object
, Where-Object
, and Measure-Object
to quickly compose powerful queries.
This topic provides and explains 6 sample scripts that answer the 6 questions above. They present patterns you can apply to find peaks, find averages, plot trend lines, run outlier detection, and more, across a variety of data and timeframes. They are provided as free starter code for you to copy, extend, and reuse.
For brevity, the sample scripts omit things like error handling that you might expect of high-quality PowerShell code. They are intended primarily for inspiration and education rather than production use.
Sample 1: CPU, I see you!
This sample uses the ClusterNode.Cpu.Usage
series from the LastWeek
timeframe to show the maximum ("high water mark"), minimum, and average CPU usage for every server in the cluster. It also does simple quartile analysis to show how many hours CPU usage was over 25%, 50%, and 75% in the last 8 days.
In the screenshot below, we see that Server-02 had an unexplained spike last week:
How it works
The output from Get-ClusterPerf
pipes nicely into the built-in Measure-Object
cmdlet, we just specify the Value
property. With its -Maximum
, -Minimum
, and -Average
flags, Measure-Object
gives us the first three columns almost for free. To do the quartile analysis, we can pipe to Where-Object
and count how many values were -Gt
(greater than) 25, 50, or 75. The last step is to beautify with Format-Hours
and Format-Percent
helper functions – certainly optional.
Here's the script:
Function Format-Hours {
Param (
# Weekly timeframe has frequency 15 minutes = 4 points per hour
Function Format-Percent {
Param (
[String][Math]::Round($RawValue) + " " + "%"
$Output = Get-ClusterNode | ForEach-Object {
$Data = $_ | Get-ClusterPerf -ClusterNodeSeriesName "ClusterNode.Cpu.Usage" -TimeFrame "LastWeek"
$Measure = $Data | Measure-Object -Property Value -Minimum -Maximum -Average
$Min = $Measure.Minimum
$Max = $Measure.Maximum
$Avg = $Measure.Average
"ClusterNode" = $_.Name
"MinCpuObserved" = Format-Percent $Min
"MaxCpuObserved" = Format-Percent $Max
"AvgCpuObserved" = Format-Percent $Avg
"HrsOver25%" = Format-Hours ($Data | Where-Object Value -Gt 25).Length
"HrsOver50%" = Format-Hours ($Data | Where-Object Value -Gt 50).Length
"HrsOver75%" = Format-Hours ($Data | Where-Object Value -Gt 75).Length
$Output | Sort-Object ClusterNode | Format-Table
Sample 2: Fire, fire, latency outlier
This sample uses the PhysicalDisk.Latency.Average
series from the LastHour
timeframe to look for statistical outliers, defined as drives with an hourly average latency exceeding +3σ (three standard deviations) above the population average.
For brevity, this script does not implement safeguards against low variance, does not handle partial missing data, does not distinguish by model or firmware, etc. Please exercise good judgement and do not rely on this script alone to determine whether to replace a hard disk. It is presented here for educational purposes only.
In the screenshot below, we see there are no outliers:
How it works
First, we exclude idle or nearly idle drives by checking that PhysicalDisk.Iops.Total
is consistently -Gt 1
. For every active HDD, we pipe its LastHour
timeframe, comprised of 360 measurements at 10 second intervals, to Measure-Object -Average
to obtain its average latency in the last hour. This sets up our population.
We implement the widely-known formula to find the mean μ
and standard deviation σ
of the population. For every active HDD, we compare its average latency to the population average and divide by the standard deviation. We keep the raw values, so we can Sort-Object
our results, but use Format-Latency
and Format-StandardDeviation
helper functions to beautify what we'll show – certainly optional.
If any drive is more than +3σ, we Write-Host
in red; if not, in green.
Here's the script:
Function Format-Latency {
Param (
$i = 0 ; $Labels = ("s", "ms", "μs", "ns") # Petabits, just in case!
Do { $RawValue *= 1000 ; $i++ } While ( $RawValue -Lt 1 )
# Return
[String][Math]::Round($RawValue, 2) + " " + $Labels[$i]
Function Format-StandardDeviation {
Param (
If ($RawValue -Gt 0) {
$Sign = "+"
Else {
$Sign = "-"
# Return
$Sign + [String][Math]::Round([Math]::Abs($RawValue), 2) + "σ"
$HDD = Get-StorageSubSystem Cluster* | Get-PhysicalDisk | Where-Object MediaType -Eq HDD
$Output = $HDD | ForEach-Object {
$Iops = $_ | Get-ClusterPerf -PhysicalDiskSeriesName "PhysicalDisk.Iops.Total" -TimeFrame "LastHour"
$AvgIops = ($Iops | Measure-Object -Property Value -Average).Average
If ($AvgIops -Gt 1) { # Exclude idle or nearly idle drives
$Latency = $_ | Get-ClusterPerf -PhysicalDiskSeriesName "PhysicalDisk.Latency.Average" -TimeFrame "LastHour"
$AvgLatency = ($Latency | Measure-Object -Property Value -Average).Average
"FriendlyName" = $_.FriendlyName
"SerialNumber" = $_.SerialNumber
"MediaType" = $_.MediaType
"AvgLatencyPopulation" = $null # Set below
"AvgLatencyThisHDD" = Format-Latency $AvgLatency
"RawAvgLatencyThisHDD" = $AvgLatency
"Deviation" = $null # Set below
"RawDeviation" = $null # Set below
If ($Output.Length -Ge 3) { # Minimum population requirement
# Find mean μ and standard deviation σ
$μ = ($Output | Measure-Object -Property RawAvgLatencyThisHDD -Average).Average
$d = $Output | ForEach-Object { ($_.RawAvgLatencyThisHDD - $μ) * ($_.RawAvgLatencyThisHDD - $μ) }
$σ = [Math]::Sqrt(($d | Measure-Object -Sum).Sum / $Output.Length)
$FoundOutlier = $False
$Output | ForEach-Object {
$Deviation = ($_.RawAvgLatencyThisHDD - $μ) / $σ
$_.AvgLatencyPopulation = Format-Latency $μ
$_.Deviation = Format-StandardDeviation $Deviation
$_.RawDeviation = $Deviation
# If distribution is Normal, expect >99% within 3σ
If ($Deviation -Gt 3) {
$FoundOutlier = $True
If ($FoundOutlier) {
Write-Host -BackgroundColor Black -ForegroundColor Red "Oh no! There's an HDD significantly slower than the others."
Else {
Write-Host -BackgroundColor Black -ForegroundColor Green "Good news! No outlier found."
$Output | Sort-Object RawDeviation -Descending | Format-Table FriendlyName, SerialNumber, MediaType, AvgLatencyPopulation, AvgLatencyThisHDD, Deviation
Else {
Write-Warning "There aren't enough active drives to look for outliers right now."
Sample 3: Noisy neighbor? That's write!
Performance history can answer questions about right now, too. New measurements are available in real-time, every 10 seconds. This sample uses the VHD.Iops.Total
series from the MostRecent
timeframe to identify the busiest (some might say "noisiest") virtual machines consuming the most storage IOPS, across every host in the cluster, and show the read/write breakdown of their activity.
In the screenshot below, we see the Top 10 virtual machines by storage activity:
How it works
Unlike Get-PhysicalDisk
, the Get-VM
cmdlet isn't cluster-aware – it only returns VMs on the local server. To query from every server in parallel, we wrap our call in Invoke-Command (Get-ClusterNode).Name { ... }
. For every VM, we get the VHD.Iops.Total
, VHD.Iops.Read
, and VHD.Iops.Write
measurements. By not specifying the -TimeFrame
parameter, we get the MostRecent
single data point for each.
These series reflect the sum of this VM's activity to all its VHD/VHDX files. This is an example where performance history is being automatically aggregated for us. To get the per-VHD/VHDX breakdown, you could pipe an individual Get-VHD
into Get-ClusterPerf
instead of the VM.
The results from every server come together as $Output
, which we can Sort-Object
and then Select-Object -First 10
. Notice that Invoke-Command
decorates results with a PsComputerName
property indicating where they came from, which we can print to know where the VM is running.
Here's the script:
$Output = Invoke-Command (Get-ClusterNode).Name {
Function Format-Iops {
Param (
$i = 0 ; $Labels = (" ", "K", "M", "B", "T") # Thousands, millions, billions, trillions...
Do { if($RawValue -Gt 1000){$RawValue /= 1000 ; $i++ } } While ( $RawValue -Gt 1000 )
# Return
[String][Math]::Round($RawValue) + " " + $Labels[$i]
Get-VM | ForEach-Object {
$IopsTotal = $_ | Get-ClusterPerf -VMSeriesName "VHD.Iops.Total"
$IopsRead = $_ | Get-ClusterPerf -VMSeriesName "VHD.Iops.Read"
$IopsWrite = $_ | Get-ClusterPerf -VMSeriesName "VHD.Iops.Write"
"VM" = $_.Name
"IopsTotal" = Format-Iops $IopsTotal.Value
"IopsRead" = Format-Iops $IopsRead.Value
"IopsWrite" = Format-Iops $IopsWrite.Value
"RawIopsTotal" = $IopsTotal.Value # For sorting...
$Output | Sort-Object RawIopsTotal -Descending | Select-Object -First 10 | Format-Table PsComputerName, VM, IopsTotal, IopsRead, IopsWrite
Sample 4: As they say, "25-gig is the new 10-gig"
This sample uses the NetAdapter.Bandwidth.Total
series from the LastDay
timeframe to look for signs of network saturation, defined as >90% of theoretical maximum bandwidth. For every network adapter in the cluster, it compares the highest observed bandwidth usage in the last day to its stated link speed.
In the screenshot below, we see that one Fabrikam NX-4 Pro #2 peaked in the last day:
How it works
We repeat our Invoke-Command
trick from above to Get-NetAdapter
on every server and pipe into Get-ClusterPerf
. Along the way, we grab two relevant properties: its LinkSpeed
string like "10 Gbps", and its raw Speed
integer like 10000000000. We use Measure-Object
to obtain the average and peak from the last day (reminder: each measurement in the LastDay
timeframe represents 5 minutes) and multiply by 8 bits per byte to get an apples-to-apples comparison.
Some vendors, like Chelsio, include remote-direct memory access (RDMA) activity in their Network Adapter performance counters, so it's included in the NetAdapter.Bandwidth.Total
series. Others, like Mellanox, may not. If your vendor doesn't, simply add the NetAdapter.Bandwidth.RDMA.Total
series in your version of this script.
Here's the script:
$Output = Invoke-Command (Get-ClusterNode).Name {
Function Format-BitsPerSec {
Param (
$i = 0 ; $Labels = ("bps", "kbps", "Mbps", "Gbps", "Tbps", "Pbps") # Petabits, just in case!
Do { $RawValue /= 1000 ; $i++ } While ( $RawValue -Gt 1000 )
# Return
[String][Math]::Round($RawValue) + " " + $Labels[$i]
Get-NetAdapter | ForEach-Object {
$Inbound = $_ | Get-ClusterPerf -NetAdapterSeriesName "NetAdapter.Bandwidth.Inbound" -TimeFrame "LastDay"
$Outbound = $_ | Get-ClusterPerf -NetAdapterSeriesName "NetAdapter.Bandwidth.Outbound" -TimeFrame "LastDay"
If ($Inbound -Or $Outbound) {
$InterfaceDescription = $_.InterfaceDescription
$LinkSpeed = $_.LinkSpeed
$MeasureInbound = $Inbound | Measure-Object -Property Value -Maximum
$MaxInbound = $MeasureInbound.Maximum * 8 # Multiply to bits/sec
$MeasureOutbound = $Outbound | Measure-Object -Property Value -Maximum
$MaxOutbound = $MeasureOutbound.Maximum * 8 # Multiply to bits/sec
$Saturated = $False
# Speed property is Int, e.g. 10000000000
If (($MaxInbound -Gt (0.90 * $_.Speed)) -Or ($MaxOutbound -Gt (0.90 * $_.Speed))) {
$Saturated = $True
Write-Warning "In the last day, adapter '$InterfaceDescription' on server '$Env:ComputerName' exceeded 90% of its '$LinkSpeed' theoretical maximum bandwidth. In general, network saturation leads to higher latency and diminished reliability. Not good!"
"NetAdapter" = $InterfaceDescription
"LinkSpeed" = $LinkSpeed
"MaxInbound" = Format-BitsPerSec $MaxInbound
"MaxOutbound" = Format-BitsPerSec $MaxOutbound
"Saturated" = $Saturated
$Output | Sort-Object PsComputerName, InterfaceDescription | Format-Table PsComputerName, NetAdapter, LinkSpeed, MaxInbound, MaxOutbound, Saturated
Sample 5: Make storage trendy again!
To look at macro trends, performance history is retained for up to 1 year. This sample uses the Volume.Size.Available
series from the LastYear
timeframe to determine the rate that storage is filling up and estimate when it will be full.
In the screenshot below, we see the Backup volume is adding about 15 GB per day:
At this rate, it will reach its capacity in another 42 days.
How it works
The LastYear
timeframe has one data point per day. Although you only strictly need two points to fit a trend line, in practice it's better to require more, like 14 days. We use Select-Object -Last 14
to set up an array of (x, y) points, for x in the range [1, 14]. With these points, we implement the straightforward linear least squares algorithm to find $A
and $B
that parameterize the line of best fit y = ax + b. Welcome to high school all over again.
Dividing the volume's SizeRemaining
property by the trend (the slope $A
) lets us crudely estimate how many days, at the current rate of storage growth, until the volume is full. The Format-Bytes
, Format-Trend
, and Format-Days
helper functions beautify the output.
This estimate is linear and based only on the most recent 14 daily measurements. More sophisticated and accurate techniques exist. Please exercise good judgement and do not rely on this script alone to determine whether to invest in expanding your storage. It is presented here for educational purposes only.
Here's the script:
Function Format-Bytes {
Param (
$i = 0 ; $Labels = ("B", "KB", "MB", "GB", "TB", "PB", "EB", "ZB", "YB")
Do { $RawValue /= 1024 ; $i++ } While ( $RawValue -Gt 1024 )
# Return
[String][Math]::Round($RawValue) + " " + $Labels[$i]
Function Format-Trend {
Param (
If ($RawValue -Eq 0) {
Else {
If ($RawValue -Gt 0) {
$Sign = "+"
Else {
$Sign = "-"
# Return
$Sign + $(Format-Bytes ([Math]::Abs($RawValue))) + "/day"
Function Format-Days {
Param (
$CSV = Get-Volume | Where-Object FileSystem -Like "*CSV*"
$Output = $CSV | ForEach-Object {
$N = 14 # Require 14 days of history
$Data = $_ | Get-ClusterPerf -VolumeSeriesName "Volume.Size.Available" -TimeFrame "LastYear" | Sort-Object Time | Select-Object -Last $N
If ($Data.Length -Ge $N) {
# Last N days as (x, y) points
$PointsXY = @()
1..$N | ForEach-Object {
$PointsXY += [PsCustomObject]@{ "X" = $_ ; "Y" = $Data[$_-1].Value }
# Linear (y = ax + b) least squares algorithm
$MeanX = ($PointsXY | Measure-Object -Property X -Average).Average
$MeanY = ($PointsXY | Measure-Object -Property Y -Average).Average
$XX = $PointsXY | ForEach-Object { $_.X * $_.X }
$XY = $PointsXY | ForEach-Object { $_.X * $_.Y }
$SSXX = ($XX | Measure-Object -Sum).Sum - $N * $MeanX * $MeanX
$SSXY = ($XY | Measure-Object -Sum).Sum - $N * $MeanX * $MeanY
$A = ($SSXY / $SSXX)
$B = ($MeanY - $A * $MeanX)
$RawTrend = -$A # Flip to get daily increase in Used (vs decrease in Remaining)
$Trend = Format-Trend $RawTrend
If ($RawTrend -Gt 0) {
$DaysToFull = Format-Days ($_.SizeRemaining / $RawTrend)
Else {
$DaysToFull = "-"
Else {
$Trend = "InsufficientHistory"
$DaysToFull = "-"
"Volume" = $_.FileSystemLabel
"Size" = Format-Bytes ($_.Size)
"Used" = Format-Bytes ($_.Size - $_.SizeRemaining)
"Trend" = $Trend
"DaysToFull" = $DaysToFull
$Output | Format-Table
Sample 6: Memory hog, you can run but you can't hide
Because performance history is collected and stored centrally for the whole cluster, you never need to stitch together data from different machines, no matter how many times VMs move between hosts. This sample uses the VM.Memory.Assigned
series from the LastMonth
timeframe to identify the virtual machines consuming the most memory over the last 35 days.
In the screenshot below, we see the Top 10 virtual machines by memory usage last month:
How it works
We repeat our Invoke-Command
trick, introduced above, to Get-VM
on every server. We use Measure-Object -Average
to obtain the monthly average for every VM, then Sort-Object
followed by Select-Object -First 10
to obtain our leaderboard. (Or maybe it's our Most Wanted list?)
Here's the script:
$Output = Invoke-Command (Get-ClusterNode).Name {
Function Format-Bytes {
Param (
$i = 0 ; $Labels = ("B", "KB", "MB", "GB", "TB", "PB", "EB", "ZB", "YB")
Do { if( $RawValue -Gt 1024 ){ $RawValue /= 1024 ; $i++ } } While ( $RawValue -Gt 1024 )
# Return
[String][Math]::Round($RawValue) + " " + $Labels[$i]
Get-VM | ForEach-Object {
$Data = $_ | Get-ClusterPerf -VMSeriesName "VM.Memory.Assigned" -TimeFrame "LastMonth"
If ($Data) {
$AvgMemoryUsage = ($Data | Measure-Object -Property Value -Average).Average
"VM" = $_.Name
"AvgMemoryUsage" = Format-Bytes $AvgMemoryUsage.Value
"RawAvgMemoryUsage" = $AvgMemoryUsage.Value # For sorting...
$Output | Sort-Object RawAvgMemoryUsage -Descending | Select-Object -First 10 | Format-Table PsComputerName, VM, AvgMemoryUsage
That's it! Hopefully these samples inspire you and help you get started. With Storage Spaces Direct performance history and the powerful, scripting-friendly Get-ClusterPerf
cmdlet, you are empowered to ask – and answer! – complex questions as you manage and monitor your Windows Server 2019 infrastructure.