Averages values across the elements within the sliding window over the input tensor.


This API is available as part of the DirectML standalone redistributable package (see Microsoft.AI.DirectML version 1.13 and later. Also see DirectML version history.


    const DML_TENSOR_DESC* InputTensor;
    const DML_TENSOR_DESC* OutputTensor;
    UINT DimensionCount;
    _Field_size_(DimensionCount) const UINT* Strides;
    _Field_size_(DimensionCount) const UINT* WindowSize;
    _Field_size_(DimensionCount) const UINT* StartPadding;
    _Field_size_(DimensionCount) const UINT* EndPadding;
    _Field_size_(DimensionCount) const UINT* Dilations;
    BOOL IncludePadding;



Type: const DML_TENSOR_DESC*

An input tensor of Sizes { BatchCount, ChannelCount, Height, Width } for 4D, and { BatchCount, ChannelCount, Depth, Height, Weight } for 5D.


Type: const DML_TENSOR_DESC*

A description of the output tensor. The sizes of the output tensor can be computed as follows.

OutputTensor->Sizes[0] = InputTensor->Sizes[0];
OutputTensor->Sizes[1] = InputTensor->Sizes[1];

for (UINT i = 0; i < DimensionCount; ++i) {
    UINT PaddedSize = InputTensor->Sizes[i + 2] + StartPadding[i] + EndPadding[i];
    OutputTensor->Sizes[i + 2] = (PaddedSize - WindowSizes[i]) / Strides[i] + 1;


Type: UINT

The number of spatial dimensions of the input tensor InputTensor, which also corresponds to the number of dimensions of the sliding window WindowSize. This value also determines the size of the Strides, StartPadding, and EndPadding arrays. It should be set to 2 when InputTensor is 4D, and 3 when it's a 5D tensor.


Type: _Field_size_(DimensionCount) const UINT*

The strides for the sliding window dimensions of sizes { Height, Width } when the DimensionCount is set to 2, or { Depth, Height, Width } when set to 3.


Type: _Field_size_(DimensionCount) const UINT*

The dimensions of the sliding window in { Height, Width } when DimensionCount is set to 2, or { Depth, Height, Width } when set to 3.


Type: _Field_size_(DimensionCount) const UINT*

The number of padding elements to be applied to the beginning of each spatial dimension of the input tensor InputTensor. The values are in { Height, Width } when DimensionCount is set to 2, or { Depth, Height, Width } when set to 3.


Type: _Field_size_(DimensionCount) const UINT*

The number of padding elements to be applied to the end of each spatial dimension of the input tensor InputTensor. The values are in { Height, Width } when DimensionCount is set to 2, or { Depth, Height, Width } when set to 3.


Type: _Field_size_(DimensionCount) const UINT*

The values for each spatial dimension of the input tensor InputTensor by which an element within the sliding window is selected for every element of that value. The values are in { Height, Width } when DimensionCount is set to 2, or { Depth, Height, Width } when set to 3.


Type: BOOL

Indicates whether to include the padding elements around the spatial edges when calculating the average value across all elements within the sliding window. When the value is set to FALSE, the padding elements are not counted as part of the divisor value of the averaging calculation.


DML_AVERAGE_POOLING1_OPERATOR_DESC is like DML_AVERAGE_POOLING_OPERATOR_DESC, except with an additional constant array Dilations. When Dilations is set to { 1,1 } for 4D input, or { 1,1,1 } for 5D input features, DML_AVERAGE_POOLING1_OPERATOR_DESC is equvalent to DML_AVERAGE_POOLING_OPERATOR_DESC.


This operator was introduced in DML_FEATURE_LEVEL_6_2.

Tensor constraints

InputTensor and OutputTensor must have the same DataType and DimensionCount.

Tensor support

Tensor Kind Supported dimension counts Supported data types
InputTensor Input 4 to 5 FLOAT32, FLOAT16
OutputTensor Output 4 to 5 FLOAT32, FLOAT16


Header directml.h