Data binding in Windows apps

Data binding is a way for your app's UI to display data, and optionally to stay in sync with that data. Data binding allows you to create a separation of concerns between your data and UI, and that results in a simpler conceptual model as well as better readability, testability, and maintainability of your app. In XAML markup, you can choose to use either the {x:Bind} markup extension or the {Binding} markup extension. And you can even use a mixture of the two in the same app—even on the same UI element. {x:Bind} was new for UWP in Windows 10, is also available in Windows App SDK, and it has better performance.

Topic Description
Data binding overview This topic shows you how to bind a control (or other UI element) to a single item or bind an items control to a collection of items in a Windows App SDK app. In addition, we show how to control the rendering of items, implement a details view based on a selection, and convert data for display. For more detailed info, see Data binding in depth.
Data binding in depth This topic describes data binding features in detail.
Bind hierarchical data and create a master/details view You can make a multi-level master/details (also known as list-details) view of hierarchical data by binding items controls to CollectionViewSource instances that are bound together in a chain.
Data binding and MVVM This topic describes the Model-View-ViewModel (MVVM) UI architectural design pattern. Data binding is at the core of MVVM, and enables loose coupling between UI and non-UI code.
Functions in x:Bind In Windows App SDK apps, {x:Bind} supports using a function as the leaf step of the binding path. In this topic, learn how properties are bound to functions to do conversions, date formatting, text formatting, text concatenations, etc.

See also