Support info for MSIX app

This section lets you provide info to help customers understand more about your app and how to get support.

A screenshot showing the overview of Properties section showing support info.

Privacy policy URL

You are responsible for ensuring your app complies with privacy laws and regulations, and for providing a valid privacy policy URL here if required.

In this section, you must indicate whether or not your app accesses, collects, or transmits any personal information. If you answer Yes, a privacy policy URL is required. Otherwise, it is optional (though if we determine that your app requires a privacy policy, and you have not provided one, your submission may fail certification).


If we detect that your packages declare capabilities that could allow personal information to be accessed, transmitted, or collected, we will mark this question as Yes, and you will be required to enter a privacy policy URL.

To help you determine if your app requires a privacy policy, review the App Developer Agreement and the Microsoft Store Policies.


Microsoft doesn't provide a default privacy policy for your app. Likewise, your app is not covered by any Microsoft privacy policy.


Enter the URL of the web page for your app. This URL must point to a page on your own website, not your app's web listing in the Store. This field is optional, but recommended.

Support contact info

Enter the URL of the web page where your customers can go for support with your app, or an email address that customers can contact for support. We recommend including this info for all submissions, so that your customers know how to get support if they need it. Note that Microsoft does not provide your customers with support for your app.


The Support contact info field is required if your app or game is available on Xbox. Otherwise, it is optional (but recommended).

Phone number and address info

Enter Phone number, Address, Apartment / Suite, City, State / Province, Country and Postal code so customers can reach out to you in case of any concern or dispute.


Businesses / Company accounts offering products in France market need to ensure to provide this info for compliance with France Consumer Protection Laws and Regulations 2023 - 2024. This is optional for individual developers.