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The Eyedropper control can pick up a color from anywhere in your application.


The Eyedropper Control uses RenderTargetBitmap to get a screenshot of your app. In some cases, RenderTargetBitmap may render incorrectly, which will cause eyedropper not to get the correct color value. Please make sure your xaml layout is reasonable, see here for details.


Use EyedropperToolButton in xaml.

<Page ...
    <controls:EyedropperToolButton />

Or use the global Eyedropper in code.

var eyedropper = new Eyedropper();
var color = await eyedropper.Open();
Dim eyedropper = New Eyedropper()
Dim color = Await eyedropper.Open()

Sample Output

Eyedropper animation


Eyedropper Properties

Property Type Description
Color Color Gets the current color value.
Preview ImageSource Gets the enlarged pixelated preview image.
WorkArea Rect Gets or sets the working area of the eyedropper.

EyedropperToolButton Properties

Property Type Description
Color Color Gets the current color value.
EyedropperEnabled bool Gets or sets a value indicating whether eyedropper is opened.
EyedropperStyle Style Gets or sets a value for the style to use for the eyedropper.
TargetElement FrameworkElement Gets or sets the working target element of the eyedropper.


Eyedropper Methods

Methods Return Type Description
Open([Point?]) Task<Color> Open the eyedropper.
Close() void Close the eyedropper.


Eyedropper Events

Events Description
ColorChanged Occurs when the Color property has changed.
PickStarted Occurs when the eyedropper begins to take color.
PickCompleted Occurs when the eyedropper stops to take color.

EyedropperToolButton Events

Events Description
ColorChanged Occurs when the Color property has changed.
PickStarted Occurs when the eyedropper begins to take color.
PickCompleted Occurs when the eyedropper stops to take color.


  • Use the global Eyedropper in code.
var eyedropper = new Eyedropper();
var color = await eyedropper.Open();
Dim eyedropper = New Eyedropper()
Dim color = Await eyedropper.Open()

Sample Project

Eyedropper Sample Page Source. You can see this in action in the Windows Community Toolkit Sample App.

Default Template

Eyedropper XAML File is the XAML template used in the toolkit for the default styling.


Device family Universal, 10.0.16299.0 or higher
Namespace Microsoft.Toolkit.Uwp.UI.Controls
NuGet package Microsoft.Toolkit.Uwp.UI.Controls