
The TokenizingTextBox is an advanced AutoSuggestBox which will display selected items as tokens within the textbox. A user can easily see the picked items or remove them easily.


    PlaceholderText="Add Tags"

Sample Output

TokenizingTextBox Example


Property Type Description
AutoSuggestBoxStyle Style Inner AutoSuggestBox style
AutoSuggestBoxTextBoxStyle Style Inner TextBox style of the AutoSuggestBox
PlaceholderText string Placeholder text to display when there's no text in the textbox
QueryIcon IconSource
QueryText string Gets or sets the text query of the AutoSuggestBox
SelectedItems IList<object> Collection of items selected by the user
SelectedTokenText string Complete set of text for any selection in the control
SuggestedItemsSource object List of suggested items
SuggestedItemTemplate DataTemplate Template for suggested items
SuggestedItemTemplateSelector DataTemplateSelector Template selector for suggested items
SuggestedItemContainerStyle Style for suggested item's container
TabNavigateBackOnArrow bool Value indicating whether the control will move focus to the previous control when an arrow key is pressed and selection is at one of the limits in the control.
Text string Text of currently focused text box part
TextMemberPath string Path of property for item display
TokenDelimiter string Character delimiter for recognizing a token
TokenItemTemplate DataTemplate Template for a token item
TokenItemTemplateSelector DataTemplateSelector Template selector for token items
TokenItemStyle Style Style for a token item
TokenSpacing double Amount of spacing between tokens


Methods Return Type Description
AddTokenItem(data, bool) void Used in special cases where you want to add a token manually to the control
ClearAsync() Task Clears everything from the control, tokens and text.
GetUntokenizedText(string) string Returns the string representation of each token item, concatenated and delimited.


Events Description
QuerySubmitted Event raised when the user submits the text query.
SuggestionChosen Event raised when a suggested item is chosen by the user.
TextChanged Event raised when the text input value has changed.
TokenItemAdding Event raised before a new token item has been added. Can be used to transform user text into an object.
TokenItemRemoving Event raised before a token item is removed (cancelable).
TokenItemRemoved Event raised after a token item has been removed.

Sample Project

TokenizingTextBox sample page Source. You can see this in action in Windows Community Toolkit Sample App.


Device family Universal, 10.0.17763.0 or higher
Namespace Microsoft.Toolkit.Uwp.UI.Controls
NuGet package Microsoft.Toolkit.Uwp.UI.Controls