
The DeepLinkParser Class provides a way to create, from IActivatedEventArgs a Dictionary<string,string>-inheriting object that provides an additional .Root property to pull the base path of the URI (eg: in MainPage/Options?option1=value1, .Root would be MainPage/Options. Once you have an instance, simply saying instance["optionName"] will pull the value from the querystring for that option.


Property Type Description
Root string Gets or sets the root path of the Deep link URI


Methods Return Type Description
Create(String) DeepLinkParser Creates an instance of DeepLinkParser for the given string
Create(Uri) DeepLinkParser Creates an instance of DeepLinkParser for the given Uri
Create(IActivatedEventArgs) DeepLinkParser Creates an instance of DeepLinkParser for the given IActivatedEventArgs
ValidateSourceUri(String) Uri Validates the source URI


In OnLaunched of App.xaml.cs:

if (e.PrelaunchActivated == false)
    if (rootFrame.Content == null)
        var parser = DeepLinkParser.Create(args);
        if (parser["username"] == "John Doe")
            // do work here
        if (parser.Root == "Signup")
If e.PrelaunchActivated = False Then
    If rootFrame.Content Is Nothing Then
        Dim parser = DeepLinkParser.Create(args)
        If parser("username") = "John Doe" Then
            ' do work here
        End If

        If parser.Root = "Signup" Then
        End If


The CollectionFormingDeepLinkParser Class will to be able to do something like ?pref=this&pref=that&pref=theOther and have a pull of pref come back with this,that,theOther as its value. This derivative of DeepLinkParser provides this functionality.


in OnLaunched of App.xaml.cs:

if (e.PrelaunchActivated == false)
    if (rootFrame.Content == null)
        var parser = CollectionFormingDeepLinkParser.Create(args);
        if (parser["username"] == "John Doe")
            // do work here
        if (parser.Root == "Signup")
            var preferences = parser["pref"].Split(',');    // now a string[] of all 'pref' querystring values passed in URI
If e.PrelaunchActivated = False Then
    If rootFrame.Content Is Nothing Then
        Dim parser = CollectionFormingDeepLinkParser.Create(args)
        If parser("username") = "John Doe" Then
            ' do work here
        End If

        If parser.Root = "Signup" Then
            Dim preferences = parser("pref").Split(","c) ' now a string[] of all 'pref' querystring values passed in URI
        End If

Both of these are createable using a .Create(IActivatedEventArgs) method. Should you wish to create one in a different manner, the default constructor is protected so inheriting from either of these can provide extensibility. The method that does the heavy lifting of parsing in to the Dictionary<string,string> (ParseUriString) is also protected and virtual so can be used/overridden by any inheriting class.


The QueryParameterCollection helper class aids in the creation of a Collection<KeyValuePair<string,string>> populated with they key-value pairs of all parameters in a query string.


var myUrl = ""
var paramCollection = new QueryParameterCollection(myUrl);
foreach (var pair in paramCollection)
    Console.WriteLine($"{pair.Key} - {pair.Value}");
Dim myUrl = ""
Dim paramCollection = New QueryParameterCollection(myUrl)
For Each pair In paramCollection
    Console.WriteLine($"{pair.Key} - {pair.Value}")


user - fooUser
email -
firstname - John
lastName - Doe


Device family Universal, 10.0.16299.0 or higher
Namespace Microsoft.Toolkit.Uwp
NuGet package Microsoft.Toolkit.Uwp