Follow these general guidelines and specific scenario instructions when testing your app for compatibility for Windows 11.
General Functionality Testing
Install the application, accepting all defaults
Verify product services are started
Update the application, including both program and definition updates
Test application core functionality
Test application extended features, such as system tray context menu options or pop-up blockers. Please note that these are example features a product may contain, not a list of features you should include.
Scenario Testing
We recommend that you validate both clean install and Windows upgrade. For the former, the apps should be installed after clean install. For the latter, apps are installed on Windows 10, and the device is then upgraded to Windows 11. Upgrade should complete successfully and all app functionality should be maintained as per the validation guidelines below.
Ensure your system is on a supported version of Windows 10 before beginning this test
Expected result
1. Install the application on your system
Application installs successfully
2. Upgrade the system to the latest Windows 11 build
The system should be able to upgrade to Windows 11 and the application should function properly on the new version
Virtual Desktop Cascading
Expected result
1. Create multiple Virtual Desktops (min 4, max 9)
Virtual Desktops are successfully created
2. Switch to Virtual Desktop 3 by pressing CTRL + win key + ß (or) CTRL + win key + à and launch the application
Verify that the correct virtual desktop is displayed
3. Select the multi-tasking icon to bring up the Transition view, select the app window, and choose Move to to move it to a different desktop
Verify that the app window is cascading and functioning from the new Virtual Desktop
4. Close the Virtual Desktop [CTRL + win key + F4] on which the application windows are running
Verify that the Virtual Desktop is closed and all application windows are assigned to their adjacent Virtual Desktop
Virtual Desktop – Launching Applications from different views
Expected result
1. Set your application window to view/display in 2 Dimensional View, All Apps View, & Fill View
Application window represented with a thumbnail must be free from UI artifacts
2. Launch the application by clicking on the thumbnails displayed in different types of views
Application should launch without delays or glitches during the transition
Exit App
Expected result
1. Close the application by clicking on the X’ or by right clicking on the icon in the taskbar and selecting Close All Windows
The application closes and all related application processes end
2. While the application is running, go to Task Manager and exit the application by right clicking and selecting End Task
The application closes and all related application processes end
Uninstall Application
Expected result
1. Uninstall the application
Verify that the application uninstalls properly and that all shortcuts are removed
Windows 11 Feature Testing
Aside from the standard validation scenarios, we recommend adding test scenarios specific to Windows 11 that specifically exercise OS changes.
Rounded Corners
Expected result
1. Launch the application and maximize the application window
The application window launches as normal and the corners are not rounded
2. Make the application window smaller (not maximized)
All corners of the app window should be rounded
Snap Groups
Expected result
1. Launch the application and hover over the maximize button
A set of layout options should appear to enable snapping the application window to the left or right half, or one of the four quadrants of the screen
2. Select one of the snap layouts
The application window snaps and resizes to fill the corresponding area of the screen
3. Maximize the application window and drag the window to the right or left of the screen to snap the window to one of the quadrants or halves of the screen
The application window snaps and resizes to fill the selected area of the screen
Expected result
1. Pin the application to the Taskbar from the Start menu
The application icon should appear on the Taskbar
2. Launch the application from the Taskbar
The application launches with bounce animations and extended UI shows upon hover
3. Launch a second instance of the application
The second app instance launches and a second tab is added to the Taskbar. The extended UI preview shows both windows upon hover
4. Use the extended UI feature to switch between instances of the application
You can successfully switch between instances
5. Unpin the application from the Taskbar
The application icon is removed and is no longer visible on the Taskbar
Expected result
1. Pin the application to the Taskbar
The application icon should appear on the taskbar
2. Launch the application from the Taskbar
The application launches with bounce animations and extended UI preview is available on hover
3. Launch a second instance of the application
The second app instance launches with a second tab shown in the taskbar; The extended UI shows both window previews on hover
4. Use the extended UI to switch between instances
You can switch between windows/instances of the application