Migrating and acquiring optional Windows content during updates

This article provides some background on the problem of keeping language resources and Features on Demand during operating system updates and offers guidance to help you move forward in the short term and prepare for the long term.

When you update the operating system, it's critical to keep language resources and Features on Demand (FODs). Many commercial organizations use Configuration Manager or other management tools to distribute and orchestrate Windows client setup using a local Windows image or WIM file (a media-based or task-sequence-based update). Others do in-place updates using an approved Windows client feature update by using Windows Server Update Services (WSUS), Configuration Manager, or equivalent tools (a servicing-based update).

Neither approach contains the full set of Windows optional features that a user's device might need, so those features aren't migrated to the new operating system. In the past, those features weren't available in Configuration Manager nor WSUS for on-premises acquisition after a feature update.

What is optional content?

Optional content includes the following items:

  • General Features on Demand also referred to as FODs (for example, Windows Mixed Reality)
  • Language-based and regional FODs (for example, Language.Basic~~~ja-jp~
  • Local Experience Packs
  • Language packs

Optional content isn't included by default in the Windows image file that is part of the operating system media available in the Volume Licensing Service Center (VLSC). Instead, it's released as an additional ISO file on VLSC. Shipping these features out of the operating system media and shipping them separately reduces the disk footprint of Windows. This approach provides more space for user's data. It also reduces the time needed to service the operating system, whether installing a monthly quality update or upgrading to a newer version. A smaller default Windows image also means less data to transmit over the network.

Why is acquiring optional content challenging?

The challenges surrounding optional content typically fall into two groups:

Incomplete operating system updates

The first challenge is related to content migration during a feature update. When Windows Setup performs an in-place update, the new operating system is written to the user's disk alongside the old version in a temporary folder, where a second clean operating system is installed and prepared for the user to move into. When operation happens, Windows Setup enumerates optional content installed already in the current version and plans to install the new version of this content in the new operating system.

Windows Setup needs access to the optional content. Since optional content isn't in the Windows image by default, Windows Setup must look elsewhere to get the Windows packages, stage them, and then install them in the new operating system. When the content can't be found, the result is an update that is missing features on the device, a frustrated end user, and likely a help desk call. This pain point is sometimes referred to as failure to migrate optional content during update. For media-based updates, Windows will automatically try again once the new operating system boots. We call this latent acquisition.

User-initiated feature acquisition failure

The second challenge involves a failure to acquire features when a user requests them. Imagine a user running a device with a new version of Windows client, either by using a clean installation or an in-place update. The user visits Settings, and attempts to install a second language, more language experience features, or other optional content. Again, since these features aren't in the operating system, the packages need to be acquired. For a typical user with internet access, Windows acquires the features from a nearby Microsoft content delivery network, and everything works as designed. For commercial users, some might not have internet access or have policies to prevent acquisition over the internet. In these situations, Windows must acquire the content from an alternative location. When the content can't be found, users are frustrated, and another help desk call could result. This pain point is sometimes referred to as failure to acquire optional content.

Options for acquiring optional content

Most commercial organizations understand the pain points outlined above, and discussions typically start with them asking what plans are available to address these challenges. The following table includes multiple options for consideration, depending on how you're currently deploying Windows client. The following definitions are used in the table headings:

  • Migration: Supports optional content migration during an update.
  • Acquisition: Supports optional content acquisition (that is, initiated by the user).
  • Media: Applicable with media-based deployments.
  • Servicing: Applicable with servicing-based deployments.
Method Migration Acquisition Media Servicing
Option 1: Use Windows Update Yes Yes No Yes
Option 2: Use WSUS with UUP Integration Yes Yes No Yes
Option 3: Enable Dynamic Update Yes No Yes Yes
Option 4: Customize the Windows image before deployment Yes No Yes No
Option 5: Install language features during deployment Partial No Yes No
Option 6: Install optional content after deployment Yes No Yes Yes
Option 7: Configure alternative source for Features on Demand No Partial Yes Yes

Option 1: Use Windows Update

Windows Update for Business solves the optional content problem. Optional content is published and available for acquisition by Windows Setup from a nearby Microsoft content delivery network and acquired using the Unified Update Platform. Optional content migration and acquisition scenarios just work when the device is connected to an update service that uses the Unified Update Platform, such as Windows Update or Windows Update for Business. If for some reason a language pack fails to install during the update, the update will automatically roll back.

The Unified Update Platform is an improvement in the underlying Windows update technology that results in smaller download sizes and a more efficient protocol for checking for updates, acquiring and installing the packages needed, and getting current in one update step. The technology is unified because it brings together the update stack for Windows client, Windows Server, and other products, such as HoloLens.

Consider moving to Windows Update for Business. Not only will the optional content scenario work seamlessly (as it does for consumer devices today), but you also get the full benefits of smaller download sizes. Further, devices are immune to the challenge of upgrading Windows when the operating system installation language is inadvertently changed to a new language. Otherwise, any future media-based feature updates can fail when the installation media has a different installation language. For more information about this issue, see Upgrading Windows 10 devices with installation media different than the original OS install language.

Option 2: Use WSUS with UUP Integration

Starting in March 2023, UUP has been integrated with WSUS and Configuration Manager to bring the same optional content and acquisition benefits of Windows Update to on-premises management solutions. For example:

  • FODs and languages will automatically migrate for devices that perform an in-place update using an approved Windows 11, version 22H2 client feature update from WSUS. Similarly, updates such as the combined cumulative update, Setup updates, and Safe OS updates are included and current based on the month that the feature update was approved.

  • Devices that upgrade using a local Windows image but use WSUS or Configuration Manager for approving the combined cumulative update will benefit by having support for optional content acquisition in the updated Windows OS, as well as OS self-healing.

The content required to enable this will be acquired via WSUS or Configuration Manager, without client endpoints requiring internet connectivity. To enable this improvement, once per major Windows release, a significant download to the WSUS content directory or the distribution point is required. This includes packages to support FOD and language acquisition, along with packages to enable OS self-healing due to corruption. For more information, see Plan your WSUS deployment.

Option 3: Enable Dynamic Update

If you're not ready to move to Windows Update, another option is to enable Dynamic Update during a feature update. As soon as a Windows feature update starts, whether via a media-based update or a WSUS-based feature update, Dynamic Update is one of the first steps invoked. Windows Setup connects to an internet-facing URL hosted by Microsoft to fetch Dynamic Update content, and then applies those updates to the operating system installation media. The content acquired includes the following:

  • Setup updates: Fixes to Setup.exe binaries or any files that Setup uses for feature updates.
  • Safe OS updates: Fixes for the safe OS that are used to update Windows recovery environment (WinRE).
  • Servicing stack updates: Fixes that are necessary to address the Windows servicing stack issue and thus required to complete the feature update.
  • Latest cumulative update: Installs the latest cumulative quality update.
  • Driver updates: Latest version of applicable drivers that have already been published by manufacturers into Windows Update and meant specifically for Dynamic Update.

In addition to these updates for the new operating system, Dynamic Update acquires optional content during the update process to ensure that the device has this content present when the update completes. So, although the device isn't connected to Windows Update, it fetches content from a nearby Microsoft content download network (CDN). This approach addresses the first pain point with optional content, but not user-initiated acquisition. By default, Dynamic Update is enabled by Windows Setup. You can enable or disable Dynamic Update by using the /DynamicUpdate option in Windows Setup. If you use the servicing-based approach, you can set this value with setupconfig.ini. See Windows Setup Automation Overview for details.

Dynamic Update can be configured with additional options. For example, you might want to have the benefits of optional content migration without automatically acquiring the latest quality update. You can do that with the /DynamicUpdate NoLCU option of Windows Setup. Afterward, you would separately follow your existing process for testing and approving monthly updates. The downside of this approach is the device reboots again for the latest cumulative update since it wasn't available during the feature update.

One further consideration when using Dynamic Update is the effect on your network. One of the top blockers for this approach is the concern that each device will separately fetch this content from Microsoft. Setup downloads Dynamic Update content using Delivery Optimization when available. For devices that aren't connected to the internet, a subset of the Dynamic Update content is available by using WSUS and the Microsoft catalog.

Option 4: Customize the Windows Image before deployment

For many organizations, the deployment workflow involves a Configuration Manager task sequence that performs a media-based update. Some customers either don't have internet connectivity, or the connectivity is poor and so they can't enable Dynamic Update. In these cases, we recommend installing optional content prior to deployment. This activity is sometimes referred to as customizing the installation media.

You can customize the Windows image in these ways:

  • Applying a cumulative update
  • Applying updates to the servicing stack
  • Applying updates to Setup.exe binaries or other files that setup uses for feature updates
  • Applying updates for the safe operating system (SafeOS) that's used for the Windows recovery environment
  • Adding or removing languages
  • Adding or removing Features on Demand

The benefit of this option is that the Windows image can include those additional languages, language experience features, and other Features on Demand through one-time updates to the image. Then you can use them in an existing task sequence or custom deployment where Setup.exe is involved. The downside of this approach is that it requires some preparation of the image in advance, including scripting with DISM to install the additional packages. It also means the image is the same for all devices that consume it and might contain more features than some users need. For more information on customizing your media, see Updating Windows 10 media with Dynamic Update packages. Also like Dynamic Update, you still have a solution for migration of optional content, but not supporting user-initiated optional content acquisition. Also, there's a variation of this option in which media is updated on the device just before installation. This option allows for device-specific image customization based on what's currently installed.

Option 5: Install language features during deployment

A partial solution to address the first pain point of failing to migrate optional content during upgrade is to inject a subset of optional content during the upgrade process. This approach uses the Windows Setup option /InstallLangPacks to add Language Packs and language capabilities such as text-to-speech recognition from a folder that contains the packages. This approach lets an IT pro take a subset of optional content and stage them within their network. If you use the servicing-based approach, you can configure InstallLangPacks using setupconfig.ini. For more information, see Windows Setup Automation Overview.

When Setup runs, it injects these packages into the new operating system during installation. It can be an alternative to enabling Dynamic Update or customizing the operating system image before deployment. You must take care with this approach, because the packages can't be renamed. Further, the content is coming from two separate release media ISOs. The key is to copy both the FOD packages and the FOD metadata .cab from the FOD ISO into the folder, and the architecture-specific Language Pack .cab files from the LPLIP ISO. We treat InstallLangPacks failures as fatal, and roll back the entire upgrade. The idea is to not leave the user in a bad state since media-based upgrades don't migrate FOD and languages (unless Dynamic Update is enabled).

This approach has some interesting benefits. The original Windows image doesn't need to be modified, possibly saving time and scripting.

Option 6: Install optional content after deployment

This option is like Option 4 in that you customize the operating system image with more optional content after it's deployed. IT pros can extend the behavior of Windows Setup by running their own custom action scripts during and after a feature update. See Run custom actions during feature update for details. With this approach, you can create a device-specific migration of optional content by capturing the optional content that's installed in the operating system, and then saving this list to install the same optional content in the new operating system. Like Option 5, you would internally host a network share that contains the source of the optional content packages. Then, during the execution of Setup on the device, capture the list of installed optional content from the source operating system and save. Later, after Setup completes, you use the list to install the optional content, which leaves the user's device without loss of functionality.

Option 7: Configure an alternative source for optional content

Several of the options address ways to address optional content migration issues during an in-place update. To address the second pain point of easily acquiring optional content in the user-initiated case, you can configure each device by using the Specify settings for optional component installation and component repair Group Policy. This policy setting specifies the network locations that will be used for the repair of operating system corruption and for enabling optional features that have had their payload files removed. This approach has the disadvantage of more content to be hosted within your network (in addition to the operating system image you might be still deploying to some clients) but has the advantage of acquiring content within your network. Some reminders about this policy:

  • The file path to the alternate source must be a fully qualified path; multiple locations can be separated by a semicolon.
  • This setting doesn't support installing language packs from an alternate source file path, only Features on Demand. If the policy is configured to acquire content from Windows Update, language packs will be acquired.
  • If this setting isn't configured or disabled, files are downloaded from the default Windows Update location, for example Windows Update for Business or WSUS.

For more information, see Configure a Windows Repair Source and How to make Features on Demand and language packs available when you're using WSUS or Configuration Manager.

More resources

For more information about the Unified Update Platform and the approaches outlined in this article, see the following resources:

Sample scripts

Options 4 and 6 involve the most scripting. Sample scripts for Option 4 already exist, so let's look at sample scripts for Option 6: Install Optional Content after Deployment.

Creating an optional content repository

To get started, we build a repository of optional content and host on a network share. This content is a subset of content from the FOD and language pack ISOs that ship with each release. We configure this repository or repo with only those FODs our organization needs, using DISM /Export. For example, a superset based on taking inventory of optional features installed on existing devices. In this case, we exclude the Windows Mixed Reality feature. In addition, we copy all language packs to the root of the repository.

# Declare media for FOD and LPs

# Declare folders 


# Create folders for mounting image optional content repository
if (Test-Path $MAIN_OS_MOUNT) { 
    Remove-Item -Path $MAIN_OS_MOUNT -Force -Recurse -ErrorAction stop| Out-Null  

if (Test-Path $REPO_PATH) { 
    Remove-Item -Path $REPO_PATH -Force -Recurse -ErrorAction stop| Out-Null  

New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -Path $MAIN_OS_MOUNT -ErrorAction stop| Out-Null  
New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -Path $REPO_PATH -ErrorAction stop| Out-Null  

# Mount the main OS, I'll use this throughout the script
Write-Host "Mounting main OS"
Mount-WindowsImage -ImagePath $MEDIA_PATH"\sources\install.wim" -Index 1 -Path $MAIN_OS_MOUNT -ErrorAction stop| Out-Null  

# Mount the LP ISO
Write-Host "Mounting LP ISO"
$LP_ISO_DRIVE_LETTER = (Mount-DiskImage -ImagePath $LP_ISO_PATH -ErrorAction stop | Get-Volume).DriveLetter

# Declare language related cabs
$OS_LP_PATH = $LP_ISO_DRIVE_LETTER + ":\x64\langpacks\" + "*.cab"

# Mount the FOD ISO
Write-Host "Mounting FOD ISO"
$FOD_ISO_DRIVE_LETTER = (Mount-DiskImage -ImagePath $FOD_ISO_PATH -ErrorAction stop | Get-Volume).DriveLetter

# Export the FODs from the ISO that we are interested in 
Write-Host "Exporting FODs to Repo"
DISM /image:$MAIN_OS_MOUNT /export-source /source:$FOD_PATH /target:$REPO_PATH `
    /capabilityname:Accessibility.Braille~~~~ `
    /capabilityname:App.StepsRecorder~~~~ `
    /capabilityname:App.WirelessDisplay.Connect~~~~ `
    /capabilityname:Browser.InternetExplorer~~~~ `
    /capabilityname:DirectX.Configuration.Database~~~~ `
    /capabilityname:Language.Basic~~~af-za~ `
    /capabilityname:Language.Basic~~~ar-sa~ `
    /capabilityname:Language.Basic~~~as-in~ `
    /capabilityname:Language.Basic~~~az-latn-az~ `
    /capabilityname:Language.Basic~~~ba-ru~ `
    /capabilityname:Language.Basic~~~be-by~ `
    /capabilityname:Language.Basic~~~bg-bg~ `
    /capabilityname:Language.Basic~~~bn-bd~ `
    /capabilityname:Language.Basic~~~bn-in~ `
    /capabilityname:Language.Basic~~~bs-latn-ba~ `
    /capabilityname:Language.Basic~~~ca-es~ `
    /capabilityname:Language.Basic~~~cs-cz~ `
    /capabilityname:Language.Basic~~~cy-gb~ `
    /capabilityname:Language.Basic~~~da-dk~ `
    /capabilityname:Language.Basic~~~de-ch~ `
    /capabilityname:Language.Basic~~~de-de~ `
    /capabilityname:Language.Basic~~~el-gr~ `
    /capabilityname:Language.Basic~~~en-au~ `
    /capabilityname:Language.Basic~~~en-ca~ `
    /capabilityname:Language.Basic~~~en-gb~ `
    /capabilityname:Language.Basic~~~en-in~ `
    /capabilityname:Language.Basic~~~en-us~ `
    /capabilityname:Language.Basic~~~es-es~ `
    /capabilityname:Language.Basic~~~es-mx~ `
    /capabilityname:Language.Basic~~~es-us~ `
    /capabilityname:Language.Basic~~~et-ee~ `
    /capabilityname:Language.Basic~~~eu-es~ `
    /capabilityname:Language.Basic~~~fa-ir~ `
    /capabilityname:Language.Basic~~~fi-fi~ `
    /capabilityname:Language.Basic~~~fil-ph~ `
    /capabilityname:Language.Basic~~~fr-be~ `
    /capabilityname:Language.Basic~~~fr-ca~ `
    /capabilityname:Language.Basic~~~fr-ch~ `
    /capabilityname:Language.Basic~~~fr-fr~ `
    /capabilityname:Language.Basic~~~ga-ie~ `
    /capabilityname:Language.Basic~~~gd-gb~ `
    /capabilityname:Language.Basic~~~gl-es~ `
    /capabilityname:Language.Basic~~~gu-in~ `
    /capabilityname:Language.Basic~~~ha-latn-ng~ `
    /capabilityname:Language.Basic~~~haw-us~ `
    /capabilityname:Language.Basic~~~he-il~ `
    /capabilityname:Language.Basic~~~hi-in~ `
    /capabilityname:Language.Basic~~~hr-hr~ `
    /capabilityname:Language.Basic~~~hu-hu~ `
    /capabilityname:Language.Basic~~~hy-am~ `
    /capabilityname:Language.Basic~~~id-id~ `
    /capabilityname:Language.Basic~~~ig-ng~ `
    /capabilityname:Language.Basic~~~is-is~ `
    /capabilityname:Language.Basic~~~it-it~ `
    /capabilityname:Language.Basic~~~ja-jp~ `
    /capabilityname:Language.Basic~~~ka-ge~ `
    /capabilityname:Language.Basic~~~kk-kz~ `
    /capabilityname:Language.Basic~~~kl-gl~ `
    /capabilityname:Language.Basic~~~kn-in~ `
    /capabilityname:Language.Basic~~~kok-deva-in~ `
    /capabilityname:Language.Basic~~~ko-kr~ `
    /capabilityname:Language.Basic~~~ky-kg~ `
    /capabilityname:Language.Basic~~~lb-lu~ `
    /capabilityname:Language.Basic~~~lt-lt~ `
    /capabilityname:Language.Basic~~~lv-lv~ `
    /capabilityname:Language.Basic~~~mi-nz~ `
    /capabilityname:Language.Basic~~~mk-mk~ `
    /capabilityname:Language.Basic~~~ml-in~ `
    /capabilityname:Language.Basic~~~mn-mn~ `
    /capabilityname:Language.Basic~~~mr-in~ `
    /capabilityname:Language.Basic~~~ms-bn~ `
    /capabilityname:Language.Basic~~~ms-my~ `
    /capabilityname:Language.Basic~~~mt-mt~ `
    /capabilityname:Language.Basic~~~nb-no~ `
    /capabilityname:Language.Basic~~~ne-np~ `
    /capabilityname:Language.Basic~~~nl-nl~ `
    /capabilityname:Language.Basic~~~nn-no~ `
    /capabilityname:Language.Basic~~~nso-za~ `
    /capabilityname:Language.Basic~~~or-in~ `
    /capabilityname:Language.Basic~~~pa-in~ `
    /capabilityname:Language.Basic~~~pl-pl~ `
    /capabilityname:Language.Basic~~~ps-af~ `
    /capabilityname:Language.Basic~~~pt-br~ `
    /capabilityname:Language.Basic~~~pt-pt~ `
    /capabilityname:Language.Basic~~~rm-ch~ `
    /capabilityname:Language.Basic~~~ro-ro~ `
    /capabilityname:Language.Basic~~~ru-ru~ `
    /capabilityname:Language.Basic~~~rw-rw~ `
    /capabilityname:Language.Basic~~~sah-ru~ `
    /capabilityname:Language.Basic~~~si-lk~ `
    /capabilityname:Language.Basic~~~sk-sk~ `
    /capabilityname:Language.Basic~~~sl-si~ `
    /capabilityname:Language.Basic~~~sq-al~ `
    /capabilityname:Language.Basic~~~sr-cyrl-rs~ `
    /capabilityname:Language.Basic~~~sr-latn-rs~ `
    /capabilityname:Language.Basic~~~sv-se~ `
    /capabilityname:Language.Basic~~~sw-ke~ `
    /capabilityname:Language.Basic~~~ta-in~ `
    /capabilityname:Language.Basic~~~te-in~ `
    /capabilityname:Language.Basic~~~tg-cyrl-tj~ `
    /capabilityname:Language.Basic~~~th-th~ `
    /capabilityname:Language.Basic~~~tk-tm~ `
    /capabilityname:Language.Basic~~~tn-za~ `
    /capabilityname:Language.Basic~~~tr-tr~ `
    /capabilityname:Language.Basic~~~tt-ru~ `
    /capabilityname:Language.Basic~~~ug-cn~ `
    /capabilityname:Language.Basic~~~uk-ua~ `
    /capabilityname:Language.Basic~~~ur-pk~ `
    /capabilityname:Language.Basic~~~uz-latn-uz~ `
    /capabilityname:Language.Basic~~~vi-vn~ `
    /capabilityname:Language.Basic~~~wo-sn~ `
    /capabilityname:Language.Basic~~~xh-za~ `
    /capabilityname:Language.Basic~~~yo-ng~ `
    /capabilityname:Language.Basic~~~zh-cn~ `
    /capabilityname:Language.Basic~~~zh-hk~ `
    /capabilityname:Language.Basic~~~zh-tw~ `
    /capabilityname:Language.Basic~~~zu-za~ `
    /capabilityname:Language.Fonts.Arab~~~und-Arab~ `
    /capabilityname:Language.Fonts.Beng~~~und-Beng~ `
    /capabilityname:Language.Fonts.Cans~~~und-Cans~ `
    /capabilityname:Language.Fonts.Cher~~~und-Cher~ `
    /capabilityname:Language.Fonts.Deva~~~und-Deva~ `
    /capabilityname:Language.Fonts.Ethi~~~und-Ethi~ `
    /capabilityname:Language.Fonts.Gujr~~~und-Gujr~ `
    /capabilityname:Language.Fonts.Guru~~~und-Guru~ `
    /capabilityname:Language.Fonts.Hans~~~und-Hans~ `
    /capabilityname:Language.Fonts.Hant~~~und-Hant~ `
    /capabilityname:Language.Fonts.Hebr~~~und-Hebr~ `
    /capabilityname:Language.Fonts.Jpan~~~und-Jpan~ `
    /capabilityname:Language.Fonts.Khmr~~~und-Khmr~ `
    /capabilityname:Language.Fonts.Knda~~~und-Knda~ `
    /capabilityname:Language.Fonts.Kore~~~und-Kore~ `
    /capabilityname:Language.Fonts.Laoo~~~und-Laoo~ `
    /capabilityname:Language.Fonts.Mlym~~~und-Mlym~ `
    /capabilityname:Language.Fonts.Orya~~~und-Orya~ `
    /capabilityname:Language.Fonts.PanEuropeanSupplementalFonts~~~ `
    /capabilityname:Language.Fonts.Sinh~~~und-Sinh~ `
    /capabilityname:Language.Fonts.Syrc~~~und-Syrc~ `
    /capabilityname:Language.Fonts.Taml~~~und-Taml~ `
    /capabilityname:Language.Fonts.Telu~~~und-Telu~ `
    /capabilityname:Language.Fonts.Thai~~~und-Thai~ `
    /capabilityname:Language.Handwriting~~~af-za~ `
    /capabilityname:Language.Handwriting~~~bs-latn-ba~ `
    /capabilityname:Language.Handwriting~~~ca-es~ `
    /capabilityname:Language.Handwriting~~~cs-cz~ `
    /capabilityname:Language.Handwriting~~~cy-gb~ `
    /capabilityname:Language.Handwriting~~~da-dk~ `
    /capabilityname:Language.Handwriting~~~de-de~ `
    /capabilityname:Language.Handwriting~~~el-gr~ `
    /capabilityname:Language.Handwriting~~~en-gb~ `
    /capabilityname:Language.Handwriting~~~en-us~ `
    /capabilityname:Language.Handwriting~~~es-es~ `
    /capabilityname:Language.Handwriting~~~es-mx~ `
    /capabilityname:Language.Handwriting~~~eu-es~ `
    /capabilityname:Language.Handwriting~~~fi-fi~ `
    /capabilityname:Language.Handwriting~~~fr-fr~ `
    /capabilityname:Language.Handwriting~~~ga-ie~ `
    /capabilityname:Language.Handwriting~~~gd-gb~ `
    /capabilityname:Language.Handwriting~~~gl-es~ `
    /capabilityname:Language.Handwriting~~~hi-in~ `
    /capabilityname:Language.Handwriting~~~hr-hr~ `
    /capabilityname:Language.Handwriting~~~id-id~ `
    /capabilityname:Language.Handwriting~~~it-it~ `
    /capabilityname:Language.Handwriting~~~ja-jp~ `
    /capabilityname:Language.Handwriting~~~ko-kr~ `
    /capabilityname:Language.Handwriting~~~lb-lu~ `
    /capabilityname:Language.Handwriting~~~mi-nz~ `
    /capabilityname:Language.Handwriting~~~ms-bn~ `
    /capabilityname:Language.Handwriting~~~ms-my~ `
    /capabilityname:Language.Handwriting~~~nb-no~ `
    /capabilityname:Language.Handwriting~~~nl-nl~ `
    /capabilityname:Language.Handwriting~~~nn-no~ `
    /capabilityname:Language.Handwriting~~~nso-za~ `
    /capabilityname:Language.Handwriting~~~pl-pl~ `
    /capabilityname:Language.Handwriting~~~pt-br~ `
    /capabilityname:Language.Handwriting~~~pt-pt~ `
    /capabilityname:Language.Handwriting~~~rm-ch~ `
    /capabilityname:Language.Handwriting~~~ro-ro~ `
    /capabilityname:Language.Handwriting~~~ru-ru~ `
    /capabilityname:Language.Handwriting~~~rw-rw~ `
    /capabilityname:Language.Handwriting~~~sk-sk~ `
    /capabilityname:Language.Handwriting~~~sl-si~ `
    /capabilityname:Language.Handwriting~~~sq-al~ `
    /capabilityname:Language.Handwriting~~~sr-cyrl-rs~ `
    /capabilityname:Language.Handwriting~~~sr-latn-rs~ `
    /capabilityname:Language.Handwriting~~~sv-se~ `
    /capabilityname:Language.Handwriting~~~sw-ke~ `
    /capabilityname:Language.Handwriting~~~tn-za~ `
    /capabilityname:Language.Handwriting~~~tr-tr~ `
    /capabilityname:Language.Handwriting~~~wo-sn~ `
    /capabilityname:Language.Handwriting~~~xh-za~ `
    /capabilityname:Language.Handwriting~~~zh-cn~ `
    /capabilityname:Language.Handwriting~~~zh-hk~ `
    /capabilityname:Language.Handwriting~~~zh-tw~ `
    /capabilityname:Language.Handwriting~~~zu-za~ `
    /capabilityname:Language.LocaleData~~~zh-tw~ `
    /capabilityname:Language.OCR~~~ar-sa~ `
    /capabilityname:Language.OCR~~~bg-bg~ `
    /capabilityname:Language.OCR~~~bs-latn-ba~ `
    /capabilityname:Language.OCR~~~cs-cz~ `
    /capabilityname:Language.OCR~~~da-dk~ `
    /capabilityname:Language.OCR~~~de-de~ `
    /capabilityname:Language.OCR~~~el-gr~ `
    /capabilityname:Language.OCR~~~en-gb~ `
    /capabilityname:Language.OCR~~~en-us~ `
    /capabilityname:Language.OCR~~~es-es~ `
    /capabilityname:Language.OCR~~~es-mx~ `
    /capabilityname:Language.OCR~~~fi-fi~ `
    /capabilityname:Language.OCR~~~fr-ca~ `
    /capabilityname:Language.OCR~~~fr-fr~ `
    /capabilityname:Language.OCR~~~hr-hr~ `
    /capabilityname:Language.OCR~~~hu-hu~ `
    /capabilityname:Language.OCR~~~it-it~ `
    /capabilityname:Language.OCR~~~ja-jp~ `
    /capabilityname:Language.OCR~~~ko-kr~ `
    /capabilityname:Language.OCR~~~nb-no~ `
    /capabilityname:Language.OCR~~~nl-nl~ `
    /capabilityname:Language.OCR~~~pl-pl~ `
    /capabilityname:Language.OCR~~~pt-br~ `
    /capabilityname:Language.OCR~~~pt-pt~ `
    /capabilityname:Language.OCR~~~ro-ro~ `
    /capabilityname:Language.OCR~~~ru-ru~ `
    /capabilityname:Language.OCR~~~sk-sk~ `
    /capabilityname:Language.OCR~~~sl-si~ `
    /capabilityname:Language.OCR~~~sr-cyrl-rs~ `
    /capabilityname:Language.OCR~~~sr-latn-rs~ `
    /capabilityname:Language.OCR~~~sv-se~ `
    /capabilityname:Language.OCR~~~tr-tr~ `
    /capabilityname:Language.OCR~~~zh-cn~ `
    /capabilityname:Language.OCR~~~zh-hk~ `
    /capabilityname:Language.OCR~~~zh-tw~ `
    /capabilityname:Language.Speech~~~da-dk~ `
    /capabilityname:Language.Speech~~~de-de~ `
    /capabilityname:Language.Speech~~~en-au~ `
    /capabilityname:Language.Speech~~~en-ca~ `
    /capabilityname:Language.Speech~~~en-gb~ `
    /capabilityname:Language.Speech~~~en-in~ `
    /capabilityname:Language.Speech~~~en-us~ `
    /capabilityname:Language.Speech~~~es-es~ `
    /capabilityname:Language.Speech~~~es-mx~ `
    /capabilityname:Language.Speech~~~fr-ca~ `
    /capabilityname:Language.Speech~~~fr-fr~ `
    /capabilityname:Language.Speech~~~it-it~ `
    /capabilityname:Language.Speech~~~ja-jp~ `
    /capabilityname:Language.Speech~~~pt-br~ `
    /capabilityname:Language.Speech~~~zh-cn~ `
    /capabilityname:Language.Speech~~~zh-hk~ `
    /capabilityname:Language.Speech~~~zh-tw~ `
    /capabilityname:Language.TextToSpeech~~~ar-eg~ `
    /capabilityname:Language.TextToSpeech~~~ar-sa~ `
    /capabilityname:Language.TextToSpeech~~~bg-bg~ `
    /capabilityname:Language.TextToSpeech~~~ca-es~ `
    /capabilityname:Language.TextToSpeech~~~cs-cz~ `
    /capabilityname:Language.TextToSpeech~~~da-dk~ `
    /capabilityname:Language.TextToSpeech~~~de-at~ `
    /capabilityname:Language.TextToSpeech~~~de-ch~ `
    /capabilityname:Language.TextToSpeech~~~de-de~ `
    /capabilityname:Language.TextToSpeech~~~el-gr~ `
    /capabilityname:Language.TextToSpeech~~~en-au~ `
    /capabilityname:Language.TextToSpeech~~~en-ca~ `
    /capabilityname:Language.TextToSpeech~~~en-gb~ `
    /capabilityname:Language.TextToSpeech~~~en-ie~ `
    /capabilityname:Language.TextToSpeech~~~en-in~ `
    /capabilityname:Language.TextToSpeech~~~en-us~ `
    /capabilityname:Language.TextToSpeech~~~es-es~ `
    /capabilityname:Language.TextToSpeech~~~es-mx~ `
    /capabilityname:Language.TextToSpeech~~~fi-fi~ `
    /capabilityname:Language.TextToSpeech~~~fr-ca~ `
    /capabilityname:Language.TextToSpeech~~~fr-ch~ `
    /capabilityname:Language.TextToSpeech~~~fr-fr~ `
    /capabilityname:Language.TextToSpeech~~~he-il~ `
    /capabilityname:Language.TextToSpeech~~~hi-in~ `
    /capabilityname:Language.TextToSpeech~~~hr-hr~ `
    /capabilityname:Language.TextToSpeech~~~hu-hu~ `
    /capabilityname:Language.TextToSpeech~~~id-id~ `
    /capabilityname:Language.TextToSpeech~~~it-it~ `
    /capabilityname:Language.TextToSpeech~~~ja-jp~ `
    /capabilityname:Language.TextToSpeech~~~ko-kr~ `
    /capabilityname:Language.TextToSpeech~~~ms-my~ `
    /capabilityname:Language.TextToSpeech~~~nb-no~ `
    /capabilityname:Language.TextToSpeech~~~nl-be~ `
    /capabilityname:Language.TextToSpeech~~~nl-nl~ `
    /capabilityname:Language.TextToSpeech~~~pl-pl~ `
    /capabilityname:Language.TextToSpeech~~~pt-br~ `
    /capabilityname:Language.TextToSpeech~~~pt-pt~ `
    /capabilityname:Language.TextToSpeech~~~ro-ro~ `
    /capabilityname:Language.TextToSpeech~~~ru-ru~ `
    /capabilityname:Language.TextToSpeech~~~sk-sk~ `
    /capabilityname:Language.TextToSpeech~~~sl-si~ `
    /capabilityname:Language.TextToSpeech~~~sv-se~ `
    /capabilityname:Language.TextToSpeech~~~ta-in~ `
    /capabilityname:Language.TextToSpeech~~~th-th~ `
    /capabilityname:Language.TextToSpeech~~~tr-tr~ `
    /capabilityname:Language.TextToSpeech~~~vi-vn~ `
    /capabilityname:Language.TextToSpeech~~~zh-cn~ `
    /capabilityname:Language.TextToSpeech~~~zh-hk~ `
    /capabilityname:Language.TextToSpeech~~~zh-tw~ `
    /capabilityname:MathRecognizer~~~~ `
    /capabilityname:Microsoft.Onecore.StorageManagement~~~~ `
    /capabilityname:Microsoft.WebDriver~~~~ `
    /capabilityname:Microsoft.Windows.MSPaint~~~~ `
    /capabilityname:Microsoft.Windows.Notepad~~~~ `
    /capabilityname:Microsoft.Windows.PowerShell.ISE~~~~ `
    /capabilityname:Microsoft.Windows.StorageManagement~~~~ `
    /capabilityname:Microsoft.Windows.WordPad~~~~ `
    /capabilityname:Msix.PackagingTool.Driver~~~~ `
    /capabilityname:NetFX3~~ `
    /capabilityname:Network.Irda~~~~ `
    /capabilityname:OneCoreUAP.OneSync~~~~ `
    /capabilityname:OpenSSH.Client~~~~ `
    /capabilityname:OpenSSH.Server~~~~ `
    /capabilityname:Print.EnterpriseCloudPrint~~~~ `
    /capabilityname:Print.Fax.Scan~~~~ `
    /capabilityname:Print.Management.Console~~~~ `
    /capabilityname:Print.MopriaCloudService~~~~ `
    /capabilityname:RasCMAK.Client~~~~ `
    /capabilityname:RIP.Listener~~~~ `
    /capabilityname:Rsat.ActiveDirectory.DS-LDS.Tools~~~~ `
    /capabilityname:Rsat.BitLocker.Recovery.Tools~~~~ `
    /capabilityname:Rsat.CertificateServices.Tools~~~~ `
    /capabilityname:Rsat.DHCP.Tools~~~~ `
    /capabilityname:Rsat.Dns.Tools~~~~ `
    /capabilityname:Rsat.FailoverCluster.Management.Tools~~~~ `
    /capabilityname:Rsat.FileServices.Tools~~~~ `
    /capabilityname:Rsat.GroupPolicy.Management.Tools~~~~ `
    /capabilityname:Rsat.IPAM.Client.Tools~~~~ `
    /capabilityname:Rsat.LLDP.Tools~~~~ `
    /capabilityname:Rsat.NetworkController.Tools~~~~ `
    /capabilityname:Rsat.NetworkLoadBalancing.Tools~~~~ `
    /capabilityname:Rsat.RemoteAccess.Management.Tools~~~~ `
    /capabilityname:Rsat.RemoteDesktop.Services.Tools~~~~ `
    /capabilityname:Rsat.ServerManager.Tools~~~~ `
    /capabilityname:Rsat.Shielded.VM.Tools~~~~ `
    /capabilityname:Rsat.StorageMigrationService.Management.Tools~~~~ `
    /capabilityname:Rsat.StorageReplica.Tools~~~~ `
    /capabilityname:Rsat.SystemInsights.Management.Tools~~~~ `
    /capabilityname:Rsat.VolumeActivation.Tools~~~~ `
    /capabilityname:Rsat.WSUS.Tools~~~~ `
    /capabilityname:ServerCore.AppCompatibility~~~~ `
    /capabilityname:SNMP.Client~~~~ `
    /capabilityname:Tools.DeveloperMode.Core~~~~ `
    /capabilityname:Tools.Graphics.DirectX~~~~ `
    /capabilityname:Windows.Client.ShellComponents~~~~ `
    /capabilityname:Windows.Desktop.EMS-SAC.Tools~~~~ `
    /capabilityname:WMI-SNMP-Provider.Client~~~~ `

    # This one is large, lets skip for now
    #/capabilityname:Analog.Holographic.Desktop~~~~ `

# Copy language caps to the repo
Copy-Item -Path $OS_LP_PATH -Destination $REPO_PATH -Force -ErrorAction stop | Out-Null

# Dismount OS image
Dismount-WindowsImage -Path $MAIN_OS_MOUNT -Discard -ErrorAction ignore | Out-Null

# Dismount ISO images
Write-Host "Dismounting ISO images"
Dismount-DiskImage -ImagePath $LP_ISO_PATH -ErrorAction ignore | Out-Null
Dismount-DiskImage -ImagePath $FOD_ISO_PATH -ErrorAction ignore | Out-Null 

Saving optional content in the source operating system

To save optional content state in the source operating system, we create a custom action script to run before the operating system installs. In this script, we save optional features and language resources to a file. We also make a local copy of the repo with only those files needed based on the languages installed on the source operating system. This action limits the files to copy.

$LOG_PATH = $OUTPUT_PATH + "log.txt"
$LOG_PATH = $OUTPUT_PATH + "log.txt"
$LANG_PATH = $OUTPUT_PATH + "sourceLang.txt"
$CAP_PATH = $OUTPUT_PATH + "sourceCapability.txt"
$OSVERSION_PATH = $OUTPUT_PATH + "sourceVersion.txt"
$REPO_PATH = "Z:\Repo\"

Function Get-TS { return "{0:HH:mm:ss}" -f (Get-Date) } 

Function Log
	param (

    $M = "$(Get-TS): PreInstall: $MESSAGE"
    Write-Host $M
    Add-Content -Path $LOG_PATH -Value $M

Function IsLangFile
	param (

    if (($PATH -match '[-_~]ar[-_~]') -or ($PATH -match '[-_~]bg[-_~]') -or ($PATH -match '[-_~]cs[-_~]') -or `
        ($PATH -match '[-_~]da[-_~]') -or ($PATH -match '[-_~]de[-_~]') -or ($PATH -match '[-_~]el[-_~]') -or `
        ($PATH -match '[-_~]en[-_~]') -or ($PATH -match '[-_~]es[-_~]') -or ($PATH -match '[-_~]et[-_~]') -or `        
        ($PATH -match '[-_~]fi[-_~]') -or ($PATH -match '[-_~]fr[-_~]') -or ($PATH -match '[-_~]he[-_~]') -or `
        ($PATH -match '[-_~]hr[-_~]') -or ($PATH -match '[-_~]hu[-_~]') -or ($PATH -match '[-_~]it[-_~]') -or `
        ($PATH -match '[-_~]ja[-_~]') -or ($PATH -match '[-_~]ko[-_~]') -or ($PATH -match '[-_~]lt[-_~]') -or `
        ($PATH -match '[-_~]lv[-_~]') -or ($PATH -match '[-_~]nb[-_~]') -or ($PATH -match '[-_~]nl[-_~]') -or `
        ($PATH -match '[-_~]pl[-_~]') -or ($PATH -match '[-_~]pt[-_~]') -or ($PATH -match '[-_~]ro[-_~]') -or `
        ($PATH -match '[-_~]ru[-_~]') -or ($PATH -match '[-_~]sk[-_~]') -or ($PATH -match '[-_~]sl[-_~]') -or `
        ($PATH -match '[-_~]sv[-_~]') -or ($PATH -match '[-_~]th[-_~]') -or ($PATH -match '[-_~]tr[-_~]') -or `
        ($PATH -match '[-_~]uk[-_~]') -or ($PATH -match '[-_~]zh[-_~]') -or ($PATH -match '[-_~]sr[-_~]')) {
        return $True
    else {
        return $False

# Remove the log
Remove-Item -Path $LOG_PATH -Force -ErrorAction ignore | Out-Null
Log "Starting"

# Remove state files, keep repo if it exists
Remove-Item -Path $LANG_PATH -Force -ErrorAction ignore | Out-Null
Remove-Item -Path $CAP_PATH -Force -ErrorAction ignore | Out-Null
Remove-Item -Path $OSVERSION_PATH -Force -ErrorAction ignore | Out-Null

# Get OS version, to use later for detecting compat scans versus OS installation
$OSINFO = Get-CimInstance Win32_OperatingSystem
Log "OS Version: $($OSINFO.Version)"
Add-Content -Path $OSVERSION_PATH -Value $OSINFO.Version

# Get installed languages from international settings
$INTL = DISM.exe /Online /Get-Intl /English 

# Save only output lines with installed languages
$LANGUAGES = $INTL | Select-String -SimpleMatch 'Installed language(s)'

# Replace with null so we have a simple list of language codes
$LANGUAGES = $LANGUAGES | ForEach-Object {$_.Line.Replace("Installed language(s): ","")}

# Save System Language, save only output line with default system language
$SYSLANG = $INTL | Select-String -SimpleMatch 'Default system UI language'

# Replace with null so we have the language code
$SYSLANG = $SYSLANG | ForEach-Object {$_.Line.Replace("Default system UI language : ","")}

# Save these languages
Log "Default system UI language on source OS: $($SYSLANG)"
ForEach ($ITEM in $LANGUAGES) { 
    Log "Installed language on source OS: $($ITEM)"
    Add-Content -Path $LANG_PATH -Value $ITEM

# Get and save installed packages, we'll use this for debugging
$PACKAGES = Get-WindowsPackage -Online
ForEach ($ITEM in $PACKAGES) { 
    if($ITEM.PackageState -eq "Installed") {
        Log "Package $($ITEM.PackageName) is installed"        

# Get and save capabilities
$CAPABILITIES = Get-WindowsCapability -Online 
    if($ITEM.State -eq "Installed") {
        Log "Capability $($ITEM.Name) is installed"
        Add-Content -Path $CAP_PATH -Value $ITEM.Name

# Copy a subset of the Repo files locally, all neutral files and the languages needed
$REPO_FILES = Get-ChildItem $REPO_PATH -file -Recurse
ForEach ($FILE in $REPO_FILES) {
    $PATH = ($FILE.DirectoryName + "\") -Replace [Regex]::Escape($REPO_PATH), $LOCAL_REPO_PATH
    If (!(Test-Path $Path)) {
        New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $PATH -Force | Out-Null
    If ((IsLangFile $FILE.Name)) { 

        # Only copy those files where we need the primary languages from the source OS
        ForEach ($ITEM in $LANGUAGES) { 
            if ($FILE.Name -match $Item) {

                If (!(Test-Path (Join-Path $Path $File.Name))) {
                    Copy-Item $FILE.FullName -Destination $PATH -Force
                    Log "Copied file $($FILE.FullName) to local repository"
                else {
                    Log "File $($FILE.Name) already exists in local repository"
    } Else {

        # Copy all 'neutral files' and those language specific that are not in the core 38
        If (!(Test-Path (Join-Path $Path $File.Name))) {
            Copy-Item $FILE.FullName -Destination $PATH -Force
            Log "Copied file $($FILE.FullName) to local repository"
        else {
            Log "File $($FILE.Name) already exists in local repository"

Log ("Exiting")

Adding optional content in the target operating system

After setup has completed successfully, we use success.cmd to retrieve the optional content state from the source operating system and install in the new operating system only if that's missing. Then, apply the latest monthly update as a final step.

$LOG_PATH = $OUTPUT_PATH + "log.txt"
$LANG_PATH = $OUTPUT_PATH + "sourceLang.txt"
$CAP_PATH = $OUTPUT_PATH + "sourceCapability.txt"
$OSVERSION_PATH = $OUTPUT_PATH + "sourceVersion.txt"
$LCU_PATH = $OUTPUT_PATH + "Windows10.0-KB4565503-x64_PSFX.cab"
$PENDING = $false

Function Get-TS { return "{0:HH:mm:ss}" -f (Get-Date) } 

Function Log
	param (

    $M = "$(Get-TS): PostInstall: $MESSAGE"
    Write-Host $M
    Add-Content -Path $LOG_PATH -Value $M

Log "Starting"

# Get OS version
$OSINFO = Get-CimInstance Win32_OperatingSystem
Log "OS Version: $($OSINFO.Version)"

# Check for source OS state, just to be sure
if (!(Test-Path $LANG_PATH) -or !(Test-Path $CAP_PATH) -or !(Test-Path $OSVERSION_PATH) ) {
    Log "Source OS state is missing."

# If this script is executing and the OS version hasn't changed, let's exit out.
else {

    # Retrive OS version from source OS
    if ($OSINFO.Version -eq $SOURCE_OSVERSION) {
        Log "OS Version hasn't changed."

    else {

        # Retrive language list from source OS
        $SOURCE_LANGUAGES  = Get-Content -Path $LANG_PATH 

        # Get installed languages from International Settings
        $INTL = DISM.exe /Online /Get-Intl /English 

        # Save System Language, save only output line with default system language
        $SYS_LANG = $INTL | Select-String -SimpleMatch 'Default system UI language'

        # Replace with null so we have the language code
        $SYS_LANG = $SYS_LANG | ForEach-Object {$_.Line.Replace("Default system UI language : ","")}

        # Get and save installed packages, we'll use this for debugging
        $PACKAGES = Get-WindowsPackage -Online
        ForEach ($ITEM in $PACKAGES) { 
            if($ITEM.PackageState -eq "Installed") {
                Log "Package $($ITEM.PackageName) is installed"

        # Loop through source OS languages, and install if missing on target OS
        ForEach ($SOURCE_ITEM in $SOURCE_LANGUAGES) { 
            if ($SOURCE_ITEM -ne $SYS_LANG) {

                # add missing languages except the system language
                Log "Adding language Microsoft-Windows-Client-Language-Pack_x64_$($SOURCE_ITEM).cab"
                try {
                    Add-WindowsPackage -Online -PackagePath "$($LOCAL_REPO_PATH)\Microsoft-Windows-Client-Language-Pack_x64_$($SOURCE_ITEM).cab" -ErrorAction stop | Out-Null  
                catch {
                    Log $_.Exception.Message
        # Retrieve capabilities from source OS and target OS
        $SOURCE_CAPABILITIES  = Get-Content -Path $CAP_PATH
        $CAPABILITIES = Get-WindowsCapability -Online 

        # Loop through source OS capabilities, and install if missing on target OS
            $INSTALLED = $false
            ForEach ($ITEM in $CAPABILITIES) { 
                if ($ITEM.Name -eq $($SOURCE_ITEM)) {
                    if ($ITEM.State -eq "Installed") {
                        $INSTALLED = $true

            # Add if not already installed
            if (!($INSTALLED)) {
                Log "Adding capability $SOURCE_ITEM"
                try {
                    Add-WindowsCapability -Online -Name $SOURCE_ITEM -Source $LOCAL_REPO_PATH -ErrorAction stop | Out-Null  
                catch {
                    Log $_.Exception.Message
            else {
                Log "Capability $SOURCE_ITEM is already installed"

        # Add LCU, this is required after adding FODs and languages
        Log ("Adding LCU")
        Add-WindowsPackage -Online -PackagePath $LCU_PATH -NoRestart 

        # Get packages, we'll use this for debugging and to see if we need to restart to install
        $PACKAGES = Get-WindowsPackage -Online
        ForEach ($ITEM in $PACKAGES) { 
            Log "Package $($ITEM.PackageName) is $($ITEM.PackageState)"
            if ($ITEM.PackageState -eq "InstallPending") {
                $PENDING = $true

# Remove local repository and state files
Remove-Item -Path $LANG_PATH -Force -ErrorAction ignore | Out-Null
Remove-Item -Path $CAP_PATH -Force -ErrorAction ignore | Out-Null
Remove-Item -Path $OSVERSION_PATH -Force -ErrorAction ignore | Out-Null
Remove-Item -Path $LOCAL_REPO_PATH -Force -Recurse -ErrorAction ignore | Out-Null

# Restarting the computer to let setup process to exit cleanly
if ($PENDING) {
    Log ("Install pending packages exists, restarting in 10 seconds")
    Start-Process -FilePath cmd -ArgumentList "/C shutdown /r /t 10 /f"

Log ("Exiting")