
Update Event that combines the latest client-based data with the latest service-based data to create a complete picture for one device (client) and one update.

Schema for UCClientUpdateStatus

Field Type Enumerated type Example Description
AzureADDeviceId string No 71db1a1a-f1a6-4a25-b88f-79c2f513dae0 Microsoft Entra Device ID
AzureADTenantId string No 69ca04b0-703d-4b3a-9184-c4e3c15d6f5e Microsoft Entra tenant ID
CatalogId string No b0f410599615e2ce15e6614ac3fc4ec62d80324020351e172edef89091a64f2f This field applies to drivers only. The Catalog ID of the update from Windows Autopatch.
ClientState string Yes Installing This field applies to drivers only. Higher-level bucket of ClientSubstate.
ClientSubstate string Yes DownloadStart Last-known state of this update relative to the device, from the client.
ClientSubstateRank int No 2300 Ranking of client substates for sequential ordering in funnel-type views. The rankings between ServiceSubstate and ClientSubstate can be used together.
ClientSubstateTime [UTC] datetime No 2020/05/14 09:26:03.478 AM Date and time of last client substate transition
DeploymentId string No cf1b12a3-3d84-4ce3-bc8e-de48459e252d The identifier of the deployment that is targeting this update to this device, else empty.
DeviceName string No JohnPC-Contoso Device's given name
EventData string No Currently, data isn't gathered to populate this field. Json to fill with arbitrary K/V pairs. Used to populate contextual data that would otherwise be sparsely populated if elevated to a field always present in the schema.
FurthestClientSubstate string No DownloadComplete Furthest clientSubstate
FurthestClientSubstateRank int No 2400 Ranking of furthest clientSubstate
GlobalDeviceId string No g:9832741921341 Microsoft internal global device identifier
IsUpdateHealthy string No 1 Currently, data isn't gathered to populate this field. True: No issues preventing this device from updating to this update have been found. False: There's something that may prevent this device from updating.
OfferReceivedTime [UTC] datetime No 2020/05/14 09:26:03.478 AM Date and time when device last reported entering OfferReceived, else empty.
RestartRequiredTime [UTC] datetime No 2020/05/14 09:26:03.478 AM Date and time when device first reported entering RebootRequired (or RebootPending), else empty.
SCCMClientId string No 5AB72FAC-93AB-4954-9AB0-6557D0EFA245 A string corresponding to the Configuration Manager Client ID on the device.
SourceSystem string No Azure
TargetBuild string No 10.0.18363.836 The full build of the content this DeviceUpdateEvent is tracking. For Windows 10 updates, this value would correspond to the full build (10.0.14393.385).
TargetBuildNumber string No 18363 Integer of the Major portion of Build.
TargetKBNumber string No KB4524570 KB Article.
TargetRevisionNumber string No 836 Integer or the minor (or revision) portion of the build.
TargetVersion string No 1909 The target operating system version, such as 1909.
TenantId string No 69ca04b0-703d-4b3a-9184-c4e3c15d6f5e Microsoft Entra tenant ID of the device.
TimeGenerated [UTC] datetime No 2020/05/14 09:26:03.478 AM The time the snapshot generated this specific record. This is to determine to which batch snapshot this record belongs.
Type string No UCClientUpdateStatus The entity type
UpdateCategory string Yes WindowsFeatureUpdate The type of content this DeviceUpdateEvent is tracking.
UpdateClassification string Yes Upgrade Whether the update classification is an upgrade (feature update), security (quality update), nonsecurity (quality update), or driver
UpdateConnectivityLevel Yes Currently, data isn't gathered to populate this field. Whether or not this device is maintaining a sufficiently cumulative and continuous connection to Windows Update so the update can progress optimally.
UpdateDisplayName string No Windows 10 1909 The long-form display name for the given update. Varies on content type (feature update. quality update)
UpdateHealthGroupL1 string No Currently, data isn't gathered to populate this field. Grouping design to describe the current update installation's "health", L1 (highest-level).
UpdateHealthGroupL2 string No Currently, data isn't gathered to populate this field. Integer for ranking the L1 UpdateHealthGroup.
UpdateHealthGroupL3 string No Currently, data isn't gathered to populate this field. Second grouping, subset of L1, more detailed.
UpdateHealthGroupRankL1 int No Currently, data isn't gathered to populate this field. Integer for ranking the L2 UpdateHealthGroup.
UpdateHealthGroupRankL2 int No Currently, data isn't gathered to populate this field. Third grouping, subset of L3, more detailed.
UpdateHealthGroupRankL3 int No Currently, data isn't gathered to populate this field. Integer for ranking the L3 UpdateHealthGroup.
UpdateId string No 10e519f0-06ae-4141-8f53-afee63e995f0 This field applies to drivers only. Update ID of the targeted update
UpdateInstalledTime [UTC] datetime No 2020/05/14 09:26:03.478 AM DateTime when event transitioned to UpdateInstalled, else empty.
UpdateManufacturer string No Microsoft This field applies to drivers only. Manufacturer of update. Microsoft for feature or quality updates, for drivers the name of driver manufacturer.
UpdateReleaseTime [UTC] datetime No 2020/05/14 09:26:03.478 AM The release date of the update
UpdateSource string Yes UUP The source of the update such as UUP, MUv6, Media