EnableTraceEx function (evntrace.h)

A trace session controller calls EnableTraceEx to configure how an ETW event provider logs events to a trace session.

This function is obsolete. The EnableTraceEx2 function supersedes this function.


  [in]           LPCGUID                  ProviderId,
  [in, optional] LPCGUID                  SourceId,
                 CONTROLTRACE_ID          TraceId,
  [in]           ULONG                    IsEnabled,
  [in]           UCHAR                    Level,
  [in]           ULONGLONG                MatchAnyKeyword,
  [in]           ULONGLONG                MatchAllKeyword,
  [in]           ULONG                    EnableProperty,
  [in, optional] PEVENT_FILTER_DESCRIPTOR EnableFilterDesc


[in] ProviderId

The provider ID (control GUID) of the event provider that you want to configure.

[in, optional] SourceId

A GUID that can uniquely identify the source of this configuration request, or NULL if no source identity is needed (equivalent to setting SourceId to &GUID_NULL). If specified, this value is used as the SourceId parameter when invoking the provider's EnableCallback.


There is not always a direct mapping between a call to EnableTrace and a corresponding call to the provider's EnableCallback. For example, if EnableTrace is called for a provider that has not yet been registered, the call to EnableCallback will be deferred until the registration occurs, and if a trace consumer session is stopped, ETW will invoke EnableCallback even though there was no corresponding call to EnableTrace. In such cases, EnableTrace will be invoked with SourceId set to GUID_NULL.


[in] IsEnabled

Set to 1 to enable receiving events from the provider or to adjust the settings used when receiving events from the provider (e.g. to change level and keywords). Set to 0 to disable receiving events from the provider.

[in] Level

A value that indicates the maximum level of events that you want the provider to write. The provider typically writes an event if the event's level is less than or equal to this value, in addition to meeting the MatchAnyKeyword and MatchAllKeyword criteria.

Microsoft defines the semantics of levels 1-5 as shown below. Lower values indicate more-severe events. Each value of EnableLevel enables the specified level and all more-severe levels. For example, if you specify TRACE_LEVEL_WARNING, your consumer will receive warning, error, and critical events.

Value Meaning
TRACE_LEVEL_CRITICAL (1) Abnormal exit or termination events
TRACE_LEVEL_ERROR (2) Severe error events
TRACE_LEVEL_WARNING (3) Warning events such as allocation failures
TRACE_LEVEL_INFORMATION (4) Non-error informational events
TRACE_LEVEL_VERBOSE (5) Detailed diagnostic events

The TRACE_LEVEL constants are defined in evntrace.h. Equivalent WINMETA_LEVEL constants are defined in winmeta.h.

[in] MatchAnyKeyword

64-bit bitmask of keywords that determine the categories of events that you want the provider to write. The provider typically writes an event if the event's keyword bits match any of the bits set in this value or if the event has no keyword bits set, in addition to meeting the Level and MatchAllKeyword criteria.

[in] MatchAllKeyword

64-bit bitmask of keywords that restricts the events that you want the provider to write. The provider typically writes an event if the event's keyword bits match all of the bits set in this value or if the event has no keyword bits set, in addition to meeting the Level and MatchAnyKeyword criteria.

This value is frequently set to 0.

[in] EnableProperty

Flags specifying special behaviors that the ETW runtime should enable when collecting events from this provider. To enable special behaviors, specify one or more of the following flags. Otherwise, set EnableProperty to 0.


Several of these flags indicate that ETW should include extra information into each event. The data is written to the extended data item section of the event.

Value Meaning
EVENT_ENABLE_PROPERTY_SID Include the security identifier (SID) of the user in the extended data.
EVENT_ENABLE_PROPERTY_TS_ID Include the terminal session identifier in the extended data.
EVENT_ENABLE_PROPERTY_IGNORE_KEYWORD_0 The trace session should not record events that have a keyword of 0.

[in, optional] EnableFilterDesc

An EVENT_FILTER_DESCRIPTOR structure that points to the filter data. The provider uses this to filter data to prevent events that do not match the filter criteria from being written to the session. The provider determines the layout of the data and how it applies the filter to the event's data. A session can pass only one filter to the provider.

A session can call the TdhEnumerateProviderFilters function to look up the filters for which a provider has registered support.

Return value

If the function is successful, the return value is ERROR_SUCCESS.

If the function fails, the return value is one of the system error codes. The following are some common errors and their causes.


    One of the following is true:

    • ProviderId is NULL.
    • TraceHandle is NULL.

    You cannot update the level when the provider is not registered.


    Exceeded the number of trace sessions that can enable the provider.


    Only users with administrative privileges, users in the Performance Log Users group, and services running as LocalSystem, LocalService, or NetworkService can enable event providers to a cross-process session. To grant a restricted user the ability to enable an event provider, add them to the Performance Log Users group or see EventAccessControl.

    Windows XP and Windows 2000: Anyone can enable an event provider.


Event trace controllers call this function to configure the event providers that write events to the session. For example, a controller might call this function to begin collecting events from a provider, to adjust the level or keywords of the events being collected from a provider, or to stop collecting events from a provider.

This function is obsolete. For additional functionality, new code should use EnableTraceEx2.

In most cases, a call to EnableTraceEx can be converted to EnableTraceEx2 as follows:

// Obsolete:
Status =
    NULL,           // SourceId
    0,              // EnableProperty
    NULL);          // EnableFilterDesc

// Updated equivalent code:
Status = EnableTraceEx2(
    0,              // Timeout
    NULL);          // EnableParameters

In more complex scenarios, a call to EnableTraceEx can be converted to EnableTraceEx2 as follows:

// Obsolete:
Status =

// Updated equivalent code:
    0,                 // ControlFlags
    SourceId ? *SourceId : GUID_NULL,
    EnableFilterDesc ? 1 : 0 };
Status = EnableTraceEx2(
    0,                 // Timeout

For additional details on the semantics of configuring providers for a session, refer to the documentation for EnableTraceEx2.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows Vista [desktop apps | UWP apps]
Minimum supported server Windows Server 2008 [desktop apps | UWP apps]
Target Platform Windows
Header evntrace.h
Library Advapi32.lib
DLL Advapi32.dll

See also

