MDM registration functions

The following functions are declared in mdmregistration.h, and are used by MDM registration.

In this section

Topic Description
DiscoverManagementService Discovers the MDM service.
DiscoverManagementServiceEx Discovers the MDM service using a candidate server.
GetDeviceManagementConfigInfo Gets the config info associated with the provider ID.
GetDeviceRegistrationInfo Retrieves the device registration information.
GetManagementAppHyperlink Retrieves the management app hyperlink associated with the MDM service.
IsDeviceRegisteredWithManagement Checks whether the device is registered with an MDM service.
IsManagementRegistrationAllowed Checks whether MDM registration is allowed by local policy.
RegisterDeviceWithManagement Registers a device with a MDM service, using the [MS-MDE]: Mobile Device Enrollment Protocol.
RegisterDeviceWithManagementUsingAADCredentials Registers a device with a MDM service, using Azure Active Directory (AAD) credentials.
SetDeviceManagementConfigInfo Sets the config info associated with the provider ID.
SetManagedExternally Indicates to the MDM agent that the device is managed externally and is not to be registered with an MDM service.
UnregisterDeviceWithManagement Unregisters a device with the MDM service.