Hashes and Digital Signatures
With Hash and Digital Signature Functions, a user can digitally sign data so that any other user can verify that the data has not been changed since it was signed. The identity of the user who signed the data can also be verified.
A digital signature consists of a small amount of binary data, typically less than 256 bytes. This signature can be bundled with the signed message or stored separately, depending on how a particular application has been implemented.
The Microsoft Strong Cryptographic Provider creates digital signatures that conform to the RSA Public Key Cryptography Standards (PKCS) #1.
Additional resources
Digital Signatures - Win32 apps
Digital signatures can be used to distribute a message in plaintext form when the recipients must identify and verify the message sender.
Digital Certificates - Win32 apps
How digital certificates provide secure communications and how to use CryptoAPI to use and manage those certificates.
Verifying a Signature - Win32 apps
To verify a signature, create a hash object using CryptCreateHash. This hash object accumulates the data to be verified. The data is then added to the hash object with the CryptHashData function.