IBackgroundCopyJob2::GetReplyData method (bits1_5.h)

Retrieves an in-memory copy of the reply data from the server application. Call this method only if the job's type is BG_JOB_TYPE_UPLOAD_REPLY and its state is BG_JOB_STATE_TRANSFERRED.


HRESULT GetReplyData(
  [in, out] byte   **ppBuffer,
  [out]     UINT64 *pLength


[in, out] ppBuffer

Buffer to contain the reply data. The method sets ppBuffer to NULL if the server application did not return a reply. Call the CoTaskMemFree function to free ppBuffer when done.

[out] pLength

Size, in bytes, of the reply data in ppBuffer.

Return value

This method returns the following HRESULT values, as well as others.

Return code Description
Successfully retrieved the reply data.
The reply data exceeds the maximum 1 MB buffer size. The ppBuffer parameter is set to NULL, and pSize contains the size of the reply data.
To retrieve the reply data, the state of the job must be BG_JOB_STATE_TRANSFERRED.
This method is not implemented for jobs of type BG_JOB_TYPE_DOWNLOAD or BG_JOB_TYPE_UPLOAD.


The GetReplyData method lets you read the reply data before or after you call the IBackgroundCopyJob::Complete method. However, to read the reply data from the reply file, you must first call the Complete method; the file is not available to the client until you call the Complete method.

The GetReplyData method returns BG_E_TOO_LARGE if the reply data exceeds 1 MB (pSize contains the size of the reply data). To retrieve the reply if it exceeds 1 MB, call the IBackgroundCopyJob2::GetReplyFileName method to retrieve the file name. Then, open the file and read the reply data directly.


For an example that uses the GetReplyData method, see Retrieving the Reply From an Upload-Reply Job.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows Vista
Minimum supported server Windows Server 2003
Target Platform Windows
Header bits1_5.h (include Bits.h)
Library Bits.lib
DLL BitsPrx2.dll
Redistributable BITS 1.5 on Windows XP

See also

