EcGetSubscriptionRunTimeStatus function (evcoll.h)

The EcGetSubscriptionRunTimeStatus function retrieves the run time status information for an event source of a subscription or the subscription itself. The subscription is specified by its name. If the event source is NULL, then the status for the overall subscription is retrieved.


BOOL EcGetSubscriptionRunTimeStatus(
  [in]  LPCWSTR                                SubscriptionName,
  [in]  LPCWSTR                                EventSourceName,
  [in]  DWORD                                  Flags,
  [in]  DWORD                                  StatusValueBufferSize,
  [in]  PEC_VARIANT                            StatusValueBuffer,
  [out] PDWORD                                 StatusValueBufferUsed


[in] SubscriptionName

The name of the subscription to get the run time status information from.

[in] StatusInfoId

An identifier that specifies which run time status information to get from the subscription. Specify a value from the EC_SUBSCRIPTION_RUNTIME_STATUS_INFO_ID enumeration. The EcSubscriptionRunTimeStatusEventSources value can be used to obtain the list of event sources associated with a subscription.

[in] EventSourceName

The name of the event source to get the status from. Each subscription can have multiple event sources.

[in] Flags

Reserved. Must be NULL.

[in] StatusValueBufferSize

The size of the user-supplied buffer that will hold the run time status information.

[in] StatusValueBuffer

The user-supplied buffer that will hold the run time status information. The buffer will hold the appropriate value depending on the EC_SUBSCRIPTION_RUNTIME_STATUS_INFO_ID value passed into the StatusInfoId parameter.

[out] StatusValueBufferUsed

The size of the user supplied buffer that is used by the function on successful return, or the size that is necessary to store the property value when function fails with ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER.

Return value

This function returns BOOL.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows Vista
Minimum supported server Windows Server 2008
Target Platform Windows
Header evcoll.h
Library Wecapi.lib
DLL Wecapi.dll

See also

Windows Event Collector Functions