SpGetInfoFn callback function (ntsecpkg.h)

The SpGetInfo function provides general information about the security package, such as its name and capabilities.

The SpGetInfo function is called when the client calls the QuerySecurityPackageInfo function of the Security Support Provider Interface.


SpGetInfoFn Spgetinfofn;

NTSTATUS Spgetinfofn(
  [out] PSecPkgInfo PackageInfo


[out] PackageInfo

Pointer to a SecPkgInfo structure that is allocated by the Local Security Authority (LSA) and must be populated by the package.

Return value

If the function succeeds, return STATUS_SUCCESS.

If the function fails, return an NTSTATUS code that indicates the reason it failed.


It is safe to place pointers to constant or dynamic data into the SecPkgInfo structure—the LSA will make a copy of the data prior to forwarding it.

SSP/APs must implement the SpGetInfo function; however, the actual name given to the implementation is up to the developer.

A pointer to the SpGetInfo function is available in the SECPKG_FUNCTION_TABLE structure received from the SpLsaModeInitialize function.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows XP [desktop apps only]
Minimum supported server Windows Server 2003 [desktop apps only]
Target Platform Windows
Header ntsecpkg.h

See also


