SetupGetIntField function (setupapi.h)

[This function is available for use in the operating systems indicated in the Requirements section. It may be altered or unavailable in subsequent versions. SetupAPI should no longer be used for installing applications. Instead, use the Windows Installer for developing application installers. SetupAPI continues to be used for installing device drivers.]

The SetupGetIntField function retrieves an integer value from the specified field of a line in an INF file.


  [in]  PINFCONTEXT Context,
  [in]  DWORD       FieldIndex,
  [out] PINT        IntegerValue


[in] Context

Pointer to the context for a line in an INF file.

[in] FieldIndex

The 1-based index of the field within the specified line from which the integer should be retrieved.

A FieldIndex of 0 can be used to retrieve an integer key (For example, consider the following INF line, 431 = 1, 2, 4. The value 431 would be put into the variable pointed at by IntegerValue if SetupGetIntField was called with a FieldIndex of 0).

[out] IntegerValue

Pointer to a variable that receives the integer. If the field is not an integer, the function fails and a call to GetLastError returns ERROR_INVALID_DATA.

Return value

If the function succeeds, the return value is a nonzero value.

If the function fails, the return value is zero. To get extended error information, call GetLastError.


The integer field may start with a positive (+) or negative (-) sign. It will be interpreted as a decimal number, unless prefixed in the file with 0x or 0X, in which case it is hexadecimal.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows XP [desktop apps only]
Minimum supported server Windows Server 2003 [desktop apps only]
Target Platform Windows
Header setupapi.h
Library Setupapi.lib
DLL Setupapi.dll
API set ext-ms-win-setupapi-inf-l1-1-1 (introduced in Windows 10, version 10.0.14393)

See also




