Heap32Next function (tlhelp32.h)

Retrieves information about the next block of a heap that has been allocated by a process.


BOOL Heap32Next(
  [out] LPHEAPENTRY32 lphe


[out] lphe

A pointer to a HEAPENTRY32 structure.

Return value

Returns TRUE if information about the next block in the heap has been copied to the buffer or FALSE otherwise. The GetLastError function returns ERROR_NO_MORE_FILES when no more objects in the heap exist and ERROR_INVALID_DATA if the heap appears to be corrupt or is modified during the walk in such a way that Heap32Next cannot continue.


To retrieve information for the first block of a heap, use the Heap32First function.

The Heap32Next function does not maintain a reference to the target process. If the target process dies, the system may create a new process using the same process identifier. Therefore, the caller should maintain a reference to the target process as long as it is using Heap32Next.

Walking the heap with Heap32First and Heap32Next is inefficient, particularly for large heaps. Use HeapWalk instead.


For an example, see Traversing the Heap List.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows XP [desktop apps only]
Minimum supported server Windows Server 2003 [desktop apps only]
Target Platform Windows
Header tlhelp32.h
Library Kernel32.lib
DLL Kernel32.dll

See also


Heap Lists and Heap Walking


Tool Help Functions