PIBIO_SENSOR_ACCEPT_CALIBRATION_DATA_FN callback function (winbio_adapter.h)

Called by the Windows Biometric Framework to pass calibration data from the engine adapter to the sensor adapter.



HRESULT PibioSensorAcceptCalibrationDataFn(
  [in, out] PWINBIO_PIPELINE Pipeline,
  [in]      PUCHAR CalibrationBuffer,
  [in]      SIZE_T CalibrationBufferSize


[in, out] Pipeline

Pointer to the WINBIO_PIPELINE structure associated with the biometric unit performing the operation.

[in] CalibrationBuffer

Pointer to the buffer that contains the calibration data.

[in] CalibrationBufferSize

The size in bytes of the calibration buffer.

Return value

If the function succeeds, it returns S_OK. If the function fails, it must return one of the following HRESULT values to indicate the error.

Return code Description
Any error code will cause the Biometric Service to discontinue the dynamic calibration loop and abort the capture operation.


This method is called during a dynamic calibration loop.

The memory holding the calibration buffer belongs to the Windows Biometric Framework, and the Sensor Adapter must not keep any pointers to this buffer once the SensorAdapterAcceptCalibrationData method returns.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows 10 [desktop apps only]
Minimum supported server Windows Server 2016 [desktop apps only]
Target Platform Windows
Header winbio_adapter.h (include Winbio_adapter.h)