WinHttpSetTimeouts function (winhttp.h)

The WinHttpSetTimeouts function sets time-outs involved with HTTP transactions.


  [in] HINTERNET hInternet,
  [in] int       nResolveTimeout,
  [in] int       nConnectTimeout,
  [in] int       nSendTimeout,
  [in] int       nReceiveTimeout


[in] hInternet

The HINTERNET handle returned by WinHttpOpen or WinHttpOpenRequest.

[in] nResolveTimeout

A value of type integer that specifies the time-out value, in milliseconds, to use for name resolution. If resolution takes longer than this time-out value, then the request is canceled. The initial value is zero, meaning no time-out (infinite).

Windows Vista and Windows XP:  If DNS timeout is specified using NAME_RESOLUTION_TIMEOUT, there is an overhead of one thread per request.

[in] nConnectTimeout

A value of type integer that specifies the time-out value, in milliseconds, to use for server connection requests. If a connection request takes longer than this time-out value, the request is canceled. The initial value is 60,000 (60 seconds).

TCP/IP can time out while setting up the socket during the three leg SYN/ACK exchange, regardless of the value of this parameter.

[in] nSendTimeout

A value of type integer that specifies the time-out value, in milliseconds, to use for sending requests. If sending a request takes longer than this time-out value, the send is canceled. The initial value is 30,000 (30 seconds).

[in] nReceiveTimeout

A value of type integer that specifies the time-out value, in milliseconds, to receive a response to a request. If a response takes longer than this time-out value, the request is canceled. The initial value is 30,000 (30 seconds).

Return value

Returns TRUE if successful, or FALSE otherwise. For extended error information, call GetLastError. Among the error codes returned are the following.

Error Code Description
The requested operation cannot be carried out because the handle supplied is not in the correct state.
The type of handle supplied is incorrect for this operation.
An internal error has occurred.
Not enough memory was available to complete the requested operation. (Windows error code)
One or more of the timeout parameters has a negative value other than -1.


Even when WinHTTP is used in asynchronous mode (that is, when WINHTTP_FLAG_ASYNC has been set in WinHttpOpen), this function operates synchronously. The return value indicates success or failure. To get extended error information, call GetLastError.

A value of 0 or -1 sets a time-out to wait infinitely. A value greater than 0 sets the time-out value in milliseconds. For example, 30,000 would set the time-out to 30 seconds. All negative values other than -1 cause the function to fail with ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER.

Important  If a small timeout is set using WinHttpSetOption and WINHTTP_OPTION_RECEIVE_TIMEOUT, it can override the value set with the dwReceiveTimeout parameter, causing a response to terminate earlier than expected. To avoid this, do not set a timeout with the WINHTTP_OPTION_RECEIVE_TIMEOUT option that is smaller than the value set using dwReceiveTimeout.
Note  For Windows XP and Windows 2000, see the Run-Time Requirements section of the WinHTTP start page.


This example shows how to set new time-out values using WinHttpSetTimeouts.

    // Use WinHttpOpen to obtain an HINTERNET handle.
    HINTERNET hSession = WinHttpOpen(L"A WinHTTP Example Program/1.0", 
                                    WINHTTP_NO_PROXY_BYPASS, 0);
    if (hSession)
        // Use WinHttpSetTimeouts to set a new time-out values.
        if (!WinHttpSetTimeouts( hSession, 10000, 10000, 10000, 10000))
            printf( "Error %u in WinHttpSetTimeouts.\n", GetLastError());
        // When finished, release the HINTERNET handle.
        printf("Error %u in WinHttpOpen.\n", GetLastError());


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows XP, Windows 2000 Professional with SP3 [desktop apps only]
Minimum supported server Windows Server 2003, Windows 2000 Server with SP3 [desktop apps only]
Target Platform Windows
Header winhttp.h
Library Winhttp.lib
DLL Winhttp.dll
Redistributable WinHTTP 5.0 and Internet Explorer 5.01 or later on Windows XP and Windows 2000.

See also

About Microsoft Windows HTTP Services (WinHTTP)

WinHTTP Versions



