ICertificateEnrollmentPolicyServerSetup::GetProperty method (casetup.h)

The GetProperty method retrieves a CEPSetupProperty enumeration value for the Certificate Enrollment Policy (CEP) Web Service configuration.


HRESULT GetProperty(
  [in]  CEPSetupProperty propertyId,
  [out] VARIANT          *pPropertyValue


[in] propertyId

A value of the CEPSetupProperty enumeration that specifies the property value to set. The following values are valid.

Value Description
ENUM_CEPSETUPPROP_AUTHENTICATION The pPropertyValue parameter contains a value that identifies the type of authentication to be used.
ENUM_CEPSETUPPROP_SSLCERTHASH The pPropertyValue parameter contains a hash of the certificate, if any, used during authentication.
ENUM_CEPSETUPPROP_KEYBASED_RENEWAL The pPropertyValue parameter specifies whether to set up the Enrollment Policy Server in a mode that returns policies for KeyBasedRenewal templates only.
ENUM_CEPSETUPPROP_URL Contains the CEP service URL. If the GetProperty method returns successfully, the pPropertyValue argument will contain a VT_BSTR subtype that contains a URL of the form "https://computerDNSname/ADPolicyProvider_cep_AuthenticationType/service.svc/cep" where the authentication type can be one of the following:
  • kerberos
  • usernamepassword
  • certificate

[out] pPropertyValue

A pointer to a VARIANT variable that contains the property value.

If you specify ENUM_CEPSETUPPROP_AUTHENTICATION in the propertyId parameter, the pPropertyValue parameter will contain one of the following constants if the GetProperty method returns successfully:

  • X509AuthKerberos
  • X509AuthUsername
  • X509AuthCertificate

If you specify ENUM_CEPSETUPPROP_SSLCERTHASH in the propertyId parameter, the pPropertyValue parameter will contain a VT_BSTR subtype that contains the hash if the GetProperty method returns successfully.

If you specify ENUM_CEPSETUPPROP_AUTHENTICATION in the propertyId parameter, the pPropertyValue parameter contains the authentication procedure.

If you specify ENUM_CEPSETUPPROP_URL in the propertyId parameter, the pPropertyValue parameter contains the Certificate Enrollment Policy (CEP) Web Service URL.

If you specify ENUM_CEPSETUPPROP_KEYBASED_RENEWAL in the propertyId parameter, you must set the pPropertyValue parameter to the VT_BOOL subtype that indicates whether to set up the Enrollment Policy Server in a mode that returns policies for KeyBasedRenewal templates only.

Return value

Return code Description
The propertyId argument is not a member of the CEPSetupProperty enumeration type.
The pPropertyValue parameter cannot be NULL.
The ICertificateEnrollmentPolicyServerSetup object has not been initialized.

The ErrorString property value is set to "The setup object has not been initialized. Please initialize the setup object with the InitializeInstallDefaults method."


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows 7 [desktop apps only]
Minimum supported server Windows Server 2008 R2 [desktop apps only]
Target Platform Windows
Header casetup.h
DLL Certocm.dll

See also


