ClusterEnumEx function (clusapi.h)

Enumerates the objects in a cluster, and then gets the name and properties of the cluster object.


DWORD ClusterEnumEx(
  [in]      HCLUSENUMEX        hClusterEnum,
  [in]      DWORD              dwIndex,
  [in, out] PCLUSTER_ENUM_ITEM pItem,
  [in, out] LPDWORD            cbItem


[in] hClusterEnum

A handle to the enumerator that is returned by the ClusterOpenEnumEx function.

[in] dwIndex

The index that identifies the next cluster object to enumerate. This parameter should be zero for the first call to the ClusterEnumEx function and then be incremented for subsequent calls.

[in, out] pItem

A pointer that receives the returned cluster object properties.

[in, out] cbItem

On input, the size of the pItem parameter.

On output, either the required size in bytes of the buffer if the buffer is too small, or the number of bytes that are written into the buffer.

Return value

Return code Description
The dwIndex parameter is larger than the number of items in the enumeration.
The buffer is too small.
The buffer was filled successfully.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client None supported
Minimum supported server Windows Server 2008 R2 Datacenter, Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise
Target Platform Windows
Header clusapi.h
Library ClusAPI.lib
DLL ClusAPI.dll

See also


Failover Cluster Management Function