IComThreadEvents::OnThreadBindToApartment method (comsvcs.h)

Generated when an apartment thread is allocated for a single-thread apartment (STA) thread that does not have an apartment thread to run in. An apartment thread is created or allocated from the pool.


HRESULT OnThreadBindToApartment(
  [in] ULONG64          ThreadID,
  [in] ULONG64          AptID,
  [in] DWORD            dwActCnt,
  [in] DWORD            dwLowCnt


[in] pInfo

A pointer to a COMSVCSEVENTINFO structure.

[in] ThreadID

The unique thread identifier.

[in] AptID

The apartment identifier.

[in] dwActCnt

The number of activities bound to this apartment.

[in] dwLowCnt

This parameter is reserved.

Return value

The user verifies the return values from this method.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows 2000 Professional [desktop apps only]
Minimum supported server Windows 2000 Server [desktop apps only]
Target Platform Windows
Header comsvcs.h

See also
