ID3D11VideoContext::DecoderBeginFrame method (d3d11.h)

Starts a decoding operation to decode a video frame.


HRESULT DecoderBeginFrame(
  [in] ID3D11VideoDecoder           *pDecoder,
  [in] ID3D11VideoDecoderOutputView *pView,
  [in] UINT                         ContentKeySize,
  [in] const void                   *pContentKey


[in] pDecoder

A pointer to the ID3D11VideoDecoder interface. To get this pointer, call ID3D11VideoDevice::CreateVideoDecoder.

[in] pView

A pointer to the ID3D11VideoDecoderOutputView interface. This interface describes the resource that will receive the decoded frame. To get this pointer, call ID3D11VideoDevice::CreateVideoDecoderOutputView.

[in] ContentKeySize

The size of the content key that is specified in pContentKey. If pContentKey is NULL, set ContentKeySize to zero.

[in] pContentKey

An optional pointer to a content key that was used to encrypt the frame data. If no content key was used, set this parameter to NULL. If the caller provides a content key, the caller must use the session key to encrypt the content key.

Return value

If this method succeeds, it returns S_OK. Otherwise, it returns an HRESULT error code. D3DERR_WASSTILLDRAWING or E_PENDING is returned if the hardware is busy, in which case the decoder should try to make the call again.


After this method is called, call ID3D11VideoContext::SubmitDecoderBuffers to perform decoding operations. When all decoding operations have been executed, call ID3D11VideoContext::DecoderEndFrame.

Each call to DecoderBeginFrame must have a matching call to DecoderEndFrame. In most cases you cannot nest DecoderBeginFrame calls, but some codecs, such as like VC-1, can have nested DecoderBeginFrame calls for special operations like post processing.

The following encryption scenarios are supported through the content key:

  • The decoder can choose to not encrypt every frame, for example it may only encrypt the I frames and not encrypt the P/B frames. In these scenario, the decoder will specify pContentKey = NULL and ContentKeySize = 0 for those frames that it does not encrypt.
  • The decoder can choose to encrypt the compressed buffers using the session key. In this scenario, the decoder will specify a content key containing all zeros.
  • The decoder can choose to encrypt the compressed buffers using a separate content key. In this scenario, the decoder will ECB encrypt the content key using the session key and pass the encrypted content key.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows 8 [desktop apps | UWP apps]
Minimum supported server Windows Server 2012 [desktop apps | UWP apps]
Target Platform Windows
Header d3d11.h

See also
