D3D12_FEATURE_DATA_SHADER_MODEL structure (d3d12.h)

Contains the supported shader model.


typedef struct D3D12_FEATURE_DATA_SHADER_MODEL {
  D3D_SHADER_MODEL HighestShaderModel;



Specifies one member of D3D_SHADER_MODEL that indicates the maximum supported shader model.


Refer to the enumeration constant D3D12_FEATURE_SHADER_MODEL in the D3D12_FEATURE.

When used with the ID3D12Device::CheckFeatureSupport function, before calling the function initialize the HighestShaderModel field to the highest shader model that your application understands. After the function completes successfully, the HighestShaderModel field contains the highest shader model that is both supported by the device and no higher than the shader model passed in.


ID3D12Device::CheckFeatureSupport returns E_INVALIDARG if HighestShaderModel isn't known by the current runtime. For that reason, we recommend that you call this in a loop with decreasing shader models to determine the highest supported shader model. Alternatively, use the caps checking helper to simplify this; see the blog post Introducing a New API for Checking Feature Support in Direct3D 12.


Requirement Value
Header d3d12.h

See also