StackWalk function (dbghelp.h)

Obtains a stack trace.


  [in]           DWORD                          MachineType,
  [in]           HANDLE                         hProcess,
  [in]           HANDLE                         hThread,
  [in, out]      LPSTACKFRAME                   StackFrame,
  [in, out]      PVOID                          ContextRecord,
  [in, optional] PREAD_PROCESS_MEMORY_ROUTINE   ReadMemoryRoutine,
  [in, optional] PFUNCTION_TABLE_ACCESS_ROUTINE FunctionTableAccessRoutine,
  [in, optional] PGET_MODULE_BASE_ROUTINE       GetModuleBaseRoutine,
  [in, optional] PTRANSLATE_ADDRESS_ROUTINE     TranslateAddress


[in] MachineType

The architecture type of the computer for which the stack trace is generated. This parameter can be one of the following values.

Value Meaning
Intel x86
Intel Itanium
x64 (AMD64 or EM64T)

[in] hProcess

A handle to the process for which the stack trace is generated. If the caller supplies a valid callback pointer for the ReadMemoryRoutine parameter, then this value does not have to be a valid process handle. It can be a token that is unique and consistently the same for all calls to the StackWalk64 function. If the symbol handler is used with StackWalk64, use the same process handles for the calls to each function.

[in] hThread

A handle to the thread for which the stack trace is generated. If the caller supplies a valid callback pointer for the ReadMemoryRoutine parameter, then this value does not have to be a valid thread handle. It can be a token that is unique and consistently the same for all calls to the StackWalk64 function.

[in, out] StackFrame

A pointer to a STACKFRAME64 structure. This structure receives information for the next frame, if the function call succeeds.

[in, out] ContextRecord

A pointer to a CONTEXT structure. This parameter is required only when the MachineType parameter is not IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_I386. However, it is recommended that this parameter contain a valid context record. This allows StackWalk64 to handle a greater variety of situations.

This context may be modified, so do not pass a context record that should not be modified.

[in, optional] ReadMemoryRoutine

A callback routine that provides memory read services. When the StackWalk64 function needs to read memory from the process's address space, the ReadProcessMemoryProc64 callback is used.

If this parameter is NULL, then the function uses a default routine. In this case, the hProcess parameter must be a valid process handle.

If this parameter is not NULL, the application should implement and register a symbol handler callback function that handles CBA_READ_MEMORY.

[in, optional] FunctionTableAccessRoutine

A callback routine that provides access to the run-time function table for the process. This parameter is required because the StackWalk64 function does not have access to the process's run-time function table. For more information, see FunctionTableAccessProc64.

The symbol handler provides functions that load and access the run-time table. If these functions are used, then SymFunctionTableAccess64 can be passed as a valid parameter.

[in, optional] GetModuleBaseRoutine

A callback routine that provides a module base for any given virtual address. This parameter is required. For more information, see GetModuleBaseProc64.

The symbol handler provides functions that load and maintain module information. If these functions are used, then SymGetModuleBase64 can be passed as a valid parameter.

[in, optional] TranslateAddress

A callback routine that provides address translation for 16-bit addresses. For more information, see TranslateAddressProc64.

Most callers of StackWalk64 can safely pass NULL for this parameter.

Return value

If the function succeeds, the return value is TRUE.

If the function fails, the return value is FALSE. Note that StackWalk64 generally does not set the last error code.


The StackWalk64 function provides a portable method for obtaining a stack trace. Using the StackWalk64 function is recommended over writing your own function because of all the complexities associated with stack walking on platforms. In addition, there are compiler options that cause the stack to appear differently, depending on how the module is compiled. By using this function, your application has a portable stack trace that continues to work as the compiler and operating system change.

The first call to this function will fail if the AddrPC, AddrFrame, and AddrStack members of the STACKFRAME64 structure passed in the StackFrame parameter are not initialized.

All DbgHelp functions, such as this one, are single threaded. Therefore, calls from more than one thread to this function will likely result in unexpected behavior or memory corruption. To avoid this, you must synchronize all concurrent calls from more than one thread to this function.

This function supersedes the StackWalk function. For more information, see Updated Platform Support. StackWalk is defined as follows in DbgHelp.h.

#if !defined(_IMAGEHLP_SOURCE_) && defined(_IMAGEHLP64)
#define StackWalk StackWalk64
    DWORD MachineType,
    __in HANDLE hProcess,
    __in HANDLE hThread,
    __inout LPSTACKFRAME StackFrame,
    __inout PVOID ContextRecord,
    __in_opt PREAD_PROCESS_MEMORY_ROUTINE ReadMemoryRoutine,
    __in_opt PFUNCTION_TABLE_ACCESS_ROUTINE FunctionTableAccessRoutine,
    __in_opt PGET_MODULE_BASE_ROUTINE GetModuleBaseRoutine,
    __in_opt PTRANSLATE_ADDRESS_ROUTINE TranslateAddress



Requirement Value
Target Platform Windows
Header dbghelp.h
Library DbgHelp.lib
DLL DbgHelp.dll
Redistributable DbgHelp.dll 5.1 or later

See also


DbgHelp Functions




