IEmptyVolumeCache::Initialize method (emptyvc.h)

Initializes the disk cleanup handler, based on the information stored under the specified registry key.


HRESULT Initialize(
  [in]      HKEY    hkRegKey,
  [in]      LPCWSTR pcwszVolume,
  [out]     LPWSTR  *ppwszDisplayName,
  [out]     LPWSTR  *ppwszDescription,
  [in, out] DWORD   *pdwFlags


[in] hkRegKey

Type: HKEY

A handle to the registry key that holds the information about the handler object.

[in] pcwszVolume


A pointer to a null-terminated Unicode string with the volume root—for example, "C:".

[out] ppwszDisplayName


A pointer to a null-terminated Unicode string with the name that will be displayed in the disk cleanup manager's list of handlers. If no value is assigned, the registry value will be used.

[out] ppwszDescription


A pointer to a null-terminated Unicode string that will be displayed when this object is selected from the disk cleanup manager's list of available disk cleanup handlers. If no value is assigned, the registry value will be used.

[in, out] pdwFlags

Type: DWORD*

The flags that are used to pass information to the handler and back to the disk cleanup manager.

These flags can be passed in to the object:


If this flag is set, the user is out of disk space on the drive. When this flag is received, the handler should be aggressive about freeing disk space, even if it results in a performance loss. The handler, however, should not delete files that would cause an application to fail, or the user to lose data.


If the disk cleanup manager is being run on a schedule, it will set this flag. You must assign values to the ppwszDisplayName and ppwszDescription parameters. If this flag is set, the disk cleanup manager will not call IEmptyVolumeCache::GetSpaceUsed, IEmptyVolumeCache::Purge, or IEmptyVolumeCache::ShowProperties. Because IEmptyVolumeCache::Purge will not be called, cleanup must be handled by IEmptyVolumeCache::Initialize. The handler should ignore the pcwszVolume parameter and clean up any unneeded files regardless of what drive they are on. Because there is no opportunity for user feedback, only those files that are extremely safe to clean up should be touched.

These flags can be passed by the handler back to the disk cleanup manager:


Set this flag when there are no files to delete. When IEmptyVolumeCache::GetSpaceUsed is called, set the pdwSpaceUsed parameter to zero, and the disk cleanup manager will omit the handler from its list.


Set this flag to have the handler checked by default in the cleanup manager's list. It will run every time the Disk Cleanup utility runs, unless the user clears the handler's check box. Once the check box has been cleared, the handler will not be run until the user selects it again.


Set this flag to have the handler run automatically during scheduled cleanup. This flag should only be set when deletion of the files is low-risk. As with EVCF_ENABLEBYDEFAULT, the user can choose not to run the handler by clearing its check box in the disk cleanup manager's list.


Set this flag to indicate that the handler can display a UI. An example of a simple UI is a list box that displays the deletable files and allows the user to select which ones to delete. The disk cleanup manager will then display a button below the cleanup handler's description. The user clicks this button to request the UI. The default button text is "Settings", but the handler can specify a different text by setting the AdvancedButtonText value in its registry key.


Set this flag to remove the handler from the disk cleanup manager's list. All registry information will be deleted, and the handler cannot be run again until the key and its values are restored. This flag is used primarily for one-time cleanup operations.

Return value


This method can return one of these values.

Return code Description
There are no files to delete.
The cleanup operation was ended prematurely.
The cleanup operation failed.


This method is used by the Windows 98 disk cleanup manager. Windows 2000 uses the InitializeEx method exported by IEmptyVolumeCache2.

Use CoTaskMemAlloc to allocate memory for the strings returned through ppwszDisplayName and ppwszDescription. The disk cleanup manager will free the memory when it is no longer needed.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows 2000 Professional, Windows XP [desktop apps only]
Minimum supported server Windows Server 2003 [desktop apps only]
Target Platform Windows
Header emptyvc.h
DLL Shell32.dll (version 5.0 or later)