IEventClass interface (eventsys.h)

Associates a class of event objects with the event interface those objects implement.

IEventClass is the interface that is implemented by the CLSID_CEventClass objects, which are different than event class objects that are co-created by a publisher for the purpose of firing events.

An event object implements the IMultiInterfaceEventControl event interface. While this object can be used to configure event classes in the event store, the preferred method is to use the COM+ Administration interfaces. However, not all of the properties exposed by the IEventClass interface are available through the COM+ Administration interfaces.


The IEventClass interface inherits from the IDispatch interface.


The IEventClass interface has these methods.


The CLSID of a component that can assist in adding properties into the property bag of a subscription object. This property is supported only for backward compatibility. (Get)

A displayable text description of the event class object. (Get)

The CLSID for the event class object. (Get)

The ProgID for the event class object. (Get)

The ID of the event interface on the event class object. This property is supported only for backward compatibility. (Get)

The security ID of the event class object's creator. This property is supported only for backward compatibility. (Get)

The path of the type library that contains the description of the event interface. (Get)

The CLSID of a component that can assist in adding properties into the property bag of a subscription object. This property is supported only for backward compatibility. (Put)

A displayable text description of the event class object. (Put)

The CLSID for the event class object. (Put)

The ProgID for the event class object. (Put)

The ID of the event interface on the event class object. This property is supported only for backward compatibility. (Put)

The security ID of the event class object's creator. This property is supported only for backward compatibility. (Put)

The path of the type library that contains the description of the event interface. (Put)


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows 2000 Professional [desktop apps only]
Minimum supported server Windows 2000 Server [desktop apps only]
Target Platform Windows
Header eventsys.h

See also

COM+ Administration Interfaces