RectF class (gdiplustypes.h)

A RectF object stores the upper-left corner, width, and height of a rectangle.


The RectF class has these constructors.
Constructor Description
RectF::RectF() Creates a RectF object and initializes the X and Y data members to zero. This is the default constructor.
RectF::RectF(PointF&,SizeF&) Creates a RectF object by using a PointF object to initialize the X and Y data members and uses a SizeF object to initialize the Width and Height data members of this rectangle.
RectF::RectF(REAL,REAL,REAL,REAL) Creates a RectF object by using four integers to initialize the X, Y, Width, and Height data members.


The RectF class has these methods.


The RectF::Clone method creates a new RectF object and initializes it with the contents of this RectF object.

The RectF::Contains method determines whether a point is inside this rectangle.

The RectF::Contains method determines whether another rectangle is inside this rectangle.

This topic lists the Contains methods of the RectF class. For a complete list of methods for the RectF class, see RectF Methods.

The RectF::Equals method determines whether two rectangles are the same.

The RectF::GetBottom method gets the y-coordinate of the bottom edge of the rectangle.

The RectF::GetBounds method makes a copy of this rectangle.

The RectF::GetLeft method gets the x-coordinate of the left edge of the rectangle.

The RectF::GetLocation method gets the coordinates of the upper-left corner of this rectangle.

The RectF::GetRight method gets the x-coordinate of the right edge of the rectangle.

The RectF::GetSize method gets the width and height of this rectangle.

The RectF::GetTop method gets the y-coordinate of the top edge of the rectangle.

The RectF::Inflate method expands the rectangle by the value of point.X on the left and right edges, and by the value of point.Y on the top and bottom edges.

This topic lists the Inflate methods of the RectF class. For a complete list of methods for the RectF class, see RectF Methods.

This topic lists the Intersect methods of the RectF class. For a complete list of methods for the RectF class, see RectF Methods.

The RectF::Intersect method determines the intersection of two rectangles and stores the result in a RectF object.

The RectF::IntersectsWith method determines whether this rectangle intersects another rectangle.

The RectF::IsEmptyArea method determines whether this rectangle is empty.

This topic lists the Offset methods of the RectF class. For a complete list of methods for the RectF class, see Rect Methods.

The RectF::Offset method moves the rectangle by dx horizontally and by dx vertically.

Creates a RectF object and initializes the X, Y, Width, and Height data members to zero. This is the default constructor. (RectF.RectF)

Creates a RectF object and initializes the X, Y, Width, and Height data members to zero. This is the default constructor. (overload 1/2)

Creates a RectF object by using four integers to initialize the X, Y, Width, and Height data members.

The RectF::Union method determines the union of two rectangles and stores the result in a RectF object.


The upper-left corner of the rectangle is located at ( x, y). The size of the rectangle is measured by width and height. There are methods for high-level functionality, such as moving, resizing, and performing or testing interactions with other rectangles.


Requirement Value
Target Platform Windows
Header gdiplustypes.h