HTTP_TRANSPORT_ADDRESS structure (http.h)

The HTTP_TRANSPORT_ADDRESS structure specifies the addresses (local and remote) used for a particular HTTP connection.


typedef struct _HTTP_TRANSPORT_ADDRESS {
  PSOCKADDR pRemoteAddress;
  PSOCKADDR pLocalAddress;



A pointer to the remote IP address associated with this connection. For more information about how to access this address, see the Remarks section.


A pointer to the local IP address associated with this connection. For more information about how to access this address, see the Remarks section.


Although the pRemoteAddress and pLocalAddress members are formally declared as PSOCKADDR, they are in fact PSOCKADDR_IN or PSOCKADDR_IN6 types. Inspect the sa_family member, which is the same in all three structures, to determine how to access the address. If sa_family is equal to AF_INET, then the address is in IPv4 form and can be accessed by casting the members to PSOCKADDR_IN, but if sa_family equals AF_INET6, the address is in IPv6 form and you must cast them to PSOCKADDR_IN6 before accessing the address. Both pLocalAddress and pRemoteAddress are always of the same type; that is they are either both of type PSOCKADDR_IN or both of type PSOCKADDR_IN6.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows Vista, Windows XP with SP2 [desktop apps only]
Minimum supported server Windows Server 2003 [desktop apps only]
Header http.h

See also

HTTP Server API Version 1.0 Structures