IDiscMaster interface (imapi.h)

The IDiscMaster interface allows an application to reserve an image mastering API, enumerate disc mastering formats and disc recorders supported by an image mastering object, and start a simulated or actual burn of a disc. Although an image mastering object can support several formats, it may not be possible to access all formats through a specific recorder. For this reason, you must select a recorder with SetActiveDiscRecorder after selecting a format with SetActiveDiscMasterFormat.


The IDiscMaster interface inherits from the IUnknown interface. IDiscMaster also has these types of members:


The IDiscMaster interface has these methods.


Clears the contents of an unburned image (the current stash file).

Closes the interface so other applications can use it.

Retrieves an enumerator for all disc mastering formats supported by this disc master object. A disc master format specifies the structure of the content in a staged image file (data/audio) and the interface that manages the staged image.

Retrieves an enumerator for all disc recorders supported by the active disc master format.

Retrieves the active disc recorder format. The active format specifies both the structure of the staged image file content (audio/data) and the COM interface that must be used to manipulate that staged image.

Retrieves an interface pointer to the active disc recorder. The active disc recorder is the recorder where a burn will occur when RecordDisc is called.

Opens an upper-level IMAPI object for access by a client application.

Registers an application for progress notifications.

Cancels progress notifications for an application.

Burns the staged image to media in the active disc recorder.

Sets the currently active disc recorder format. The active format specifies both the structure of the staged image file content (audio/data) and the COM interface that must be used to manipulate that staged image.

Selects an active disc recorder. The active disc recorder is the recorder where a burn will occur when RecordDisc is called.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows XP [desktop apps only]
Minimum supported server Windows Server 2003 [desktop apps only]
Target Platform Windows
Header imapi.h