IJolietDiscMaster interface (imapi.h)

The IJolietDiscMaster interface enables the staging of a CD data disc. It represents one of the formats supported by MSDiscMasterObj, and it allows the creation of a single Track-at-Once data disc. The data is written to the disc with the Joliet and ISO-9660 file systems.

A temporary folder is constructed and added to the image. This can be repeated multiple times with the directory and file structures overlapping. The overlapping file structures appear seamlessly when read back. When the overwrite option is used, overlapping paths cause the last file added to show up in the directory, while the earlier files with conflicting names are still present on the disc but now not readable by normal means.


The IJolietDiscMaster interface inherits from the IUnknown interface. IJolietDiscMaster also has these types of members:


The IJolietDiscMaster interface has these methods.


Adds the contents of a root storage to the staged image file. This storage will be enumerated to place all substorages and streams in the root file system of the stage image file. Substorages become folders and streams become files.

Retrieves the size of a data block.

Retrieves a pointer to an IPropertyStorage interface that contains the Joliet properties.

Retrieves the total number of blocks available for staging a Joliet data disc.

Retrieves the total number of data blocks that are in use.

Sets the Joliet properties.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows XP [desktop apps only]
Minimum supported server Windows Server 2003 [desktop apps only]
Target Platform Windows
Header imapi.h