USER_INFO_1007 structure (lmaccess.h)

The USER_INFO_1007 structure contains a comment associated with a user network account. This information level is valid only when you call the NetUserSetInfo function.


typedef struct _USER_INFO_1007 {
  LPWSTR usri1007_comment;
} USER_INFO_1007, *PUSER_INFO_1007, *LPUSER_INFO_1007;



Pointer to a Unicode string that contains a comment to associate with the user account specified in the username parameter to the NetUserSetInfo function. This string can be a null string, or it can have any number of characters before the terminating null character.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows 2000 Professional [desktop apps only]
Minimum supported server Windows 2000 Server [desktop apps only]
Header lmaccess.h (include Lm.h)

See also


Network Management Overview

Network Management Structures

User Functions