MBN_CONTEXT structure (mbnapi.h)


Starting in Windows 10, version 1803, the Win32 APIs described in this section are replaced by the Windows Runtime APIs in the Windows.Networking.Connectivity namespace.

The MBN_CONTEXT structure stores information about the connection context.


typedef struct MBN_CONTEXT {
  ULONG             contextID;
  MBN_CONTEXT_TYPE  contextType;
  BSTR              accessString;
  BSTR              userName;
  BSTR              password;
  MBN_COMPRESSION   compression;



Contains the unique identifier for this context. This represents the context index in the device or SIM memory. If it is set to MBN_CONTEXT_ID_APPEND, then the device will find the appropriate index to store the context.


An MBN_CONTEXT_TYPE value that specifies the context type. An application can use this member to modify the context stored at a particular index using the SetProvisionedContext method of IMbnConnectionContext.


Contains connection-specific access information. In GSM networks, this would be an access point name (APN) such as "data.thephone-company.com". In CDMA networks, this might be a special dial code such as "#777" or a NAI (Network Access Identifier) such as "somebody@thephone-company.com".

This string must not exceed MBN_ACCESSSTRING_LEN characters. For the definition of MBN_ACCESSTRING_LEN, see MBN_CONTEXT_CONSTANTS. This string can be empty. The calling application must free this string by calling SysFreeString.


Contains the user name that is used for authentication.

The string must not exceed MBN_USERNAME_LEN characters. The calling application must free this string by calling SysFreeString. For the definition of MBN_USERNAME_LEN, see MBN_CONTEXT_CONSTANTS. The calling application must free this string by calling SysFreeString.


Contains the password that is used for authentication.

The string must not exceed MBN_PASSWORD_LEN characters. This string can be empty. For the definition of MBN_PASSWORD_LEN, see MBN_CONTEXT_CONSTANTS. The calling application must free this string by calling SysFreeString.


An MBN_COMPRESSION value that specifies whether compression is used in the data link for header and data.

This member is applicable only for GSM devices.


An MBN_AUTH_PROTOCOL value that indicates the type of compression used for PDP (Packet Data Protocol) activation.

This member is applicable only for GSM devices. For CDMA devices, it is set to MBN_AUTH_PROTOCOL_NONE.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows 7 [desktop apps only]
Minimum supported server None supported
Header mbnapi.h